Re: Ipr2 5000/7500?

But you miss out on the Maxxbass....I know this is an old thread however some comments on here make little sense. Amplifiers in general take garbage in and put garbage out if they work correctly. I have had Crown I techs and Macro Techs, Crest Pro 9200s and various CCs and now own several ProLite 7.5s. Honestly they all work well, with some (Like the 7.5) being very well suited for low end duty despite the earlier comments on this forum. Rather than bridging amps for 3 to 4k per sub, I just run larger amps with good 4 ohm power to my VR 218 boxes (Up to 6 per side). Bi wiring this setup keeps wire gauge sufficient and of course shunts any back emf at the output terminals at the amp. In these instances the 7.5s serve me well, both in efficiency, sound quality and they are good on my back. As far as the DSP models I am not of any use, I prefer to stay away from the DSP versions of any amp and just run outboard processing such as a BSS or Digitool. Guess I am old school.