It all started with a light...

Jan 10, 2011
Abingdon, MD
It all started with a light....

4 weeks ago, I decided I wanted to add a new light to our master bath. The room was poorly lit, with no light fixture over the vanity. So, my simple fix was to add a switch by the sink outlet and run new wiring up to a new light above the sink. Pretty straight forward project:


But, then came the problem with the existing mirror/medicine cabinet. It stuck out a solid 4" from the wall, and blocked the light. Ok, no problem, easy solution is a new mirror(we didn't use the medicine cabinet anyway):


But, now the new mirror and light didn't match the existing vanity... Hmm, ok, not a big project, let's pull the old vanity out and put a new one in:


Oh, and might as well paint the walls too while we're at it- no big deal. New mirror, new light, new vanity, and fresh paint. Looks good. But man, now the floor and shower look crappy with these nice new fixtures. Well, how about a new floor, and some new tile in the shower too? Not my forte, but I've got a friend who can put the tile in, so that's not a problem. They go to work removing the ugly laminate floor, and start pulling out the old shower....


That's where it all begins. Black mold. Everywhere. The tile job was done very poorly, and sealed even more poorly. So, every time we showered, water was running into the wall, and just staying there. The whole shower needed to be gutted. I took on the demo project myself after the mold came back "clean." The amount of moisture in the wall was insane. The drywall just crumpled and the room became very moist- condensation was forming on everything:


Yikes! What a project ripping plaster and drywall down. Who uses drywall in a shower anyway? Sheesh.


A few buckets of bleach and mold killer later, and the next issue popped it's head up. The window frame wasn't sealed, like at all. It was rotting away and also soaked. The only sensible option was, well, remove the window, so we did it:



Oh, and I learned how to do siding too!


So, my simple light fixture has become:

-a new light
-new mirror
-new vanity
-new floor
-bathroom demo
-window removal
-siding additions
-new concrete board,

and finally, a new shower:

(see next post)



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Re: It all started with a light...

The end result:




So, it all started with a light. ....And ended with an entirely new bathroom. Amazing what pops up in an old home, but we love the end result and taking a shower this morning was glorious. :D



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Re: It all started with a light...

Very nice.
The most expensive words in home ownership are "as long as you're at it you might as well...."
Re: It all started with a light...

Looks great. Sounds like my bathroom project, still have to finish the trim and ceiling.

Why do old houses have windows in the shower?

Sent from my iPhone
Re: It all started with a light...

Nice work Evan :).

Of course I still have projects in my house I started 13 years ago-and STILL have not finished. Of course I have not worked on them in 12 years--------------- but who's counting
Re: It all started with a light...

Given all the insulation that was (not) in the wall of the bath, should be a bit toastier in there now, too. And breathe easier. Looks great. BTW, got enough light?

Project creep - all of us homeowners have been there - Should have seen what my project became when my wife took some carpet off a couple stairs to see if we could go to bare stairs. ...or repaint the family room ...or paint the kitchen cabinets

Re: It all started with a light...

You want to see the "projects" a house that the central part of which is older than your country can throw up, how about re-roofing the thing because at some point in the last 350 years somebody removed an original supporting wall in the attic and the little leak into the back room turned into a complete re-roofing and plastering fest which I'm still paying for 5 years later :(
Re: It all started with a light...

Nice job... I had black mold in my bathroom from a leaky toilet feed valve. Even condensation from the cold water in the tank can be enough to feed that scum when it gets entrenched.

I need to replace the toilet and put in a new floor when I get around around to it (what are you doing next weekend?).

"Sporicidin" is not cheap but pretty effective at killing the black scourge. I also rigged up a UVC lamp (like they use in fish tank sterilizers) to keep the black death at bay.

Re: It all started with a light...

Might want to consider some of this stuff.
Caliwel Paint Surface Prep

Some other paints without moldicide use paint with a lime base - like the old whitewash, but in newer formulations.
Seems mold and spores don't thrive in a high lime environment.

I originally thought UVc in the ductwork and the "A" coil would control any spread - I never did get a good answer whether dead spores were any better/worse than live spores in the house.

Re: It all started with a light...

"Sporicidin" is not cheap but pretty effective at killing the black scourge.


Here in Finland we have product called "Clorite" - as the name suggests, it is chlorite - very cheap - about 1€ per liter - and super effective against black mould - and white, too.

I had leaky line behind my dishwasher - one morning my wife comes to say "There is water coming from ceiling downstairs..."
Now we have completely new kitchen, though only about one sq-foot needed attention - oh wait - I am dirty liar - stove is old - and dishwasher - but floor, cabinets, fridge, lights etc...

Feels good
Re: It all started with a light...

This thread is opening a can of dread in me. I close in 12 days on an 3-family that was originally built in 1800.

Fun, fun, fun.
You may be fine.

Think of it this way-that house has had 214 years worth of people working on it------------------ Maybe

Of course that may mean you need to UNDO 214 years worth of "repairs"------------------