Re: JBL SRX / QSC PL236 underpowered?
It's a numbers game. If you give a band twice the horse power they need for the gig, That is great! But if you give them less than what is needed, your going to see a lot of red lights!!!!!!! There comes a point when, as an engineer you need to stand up and say NO, you can't have any more.......If you are consistently acquiring gigs where you don't have enough RIG FOR THE GIG, then your going to have problems with equipment life and acquiring new gigs. If you at some point tell the band I only have this much, you can't have any more for this price, you may find a bit more mileage? The bigger the rig the bigger the price. At some point a band will realize that they are going to have to pay for the more part.
As I've previously pointed out, the band own the PA. I'm their sound engineer. They do the gig with their PA or with one they hire in if their PA isn't big enough. All I'm trying to do is ascertain whether I'm getting the best out of the PA the band have currently, which will allow the band to hire a bigger PA less and save money.
As far as the other questions asked above. You have to do the math. If you feel your under powered, you probably are. An 1100 watt amp for a speaker that will take 1600 watts for a decent period of time ( program power ) is probably under powered if you want top get near rated specs!!!!!!!!
I didn't think I was under powered. I've always done the gig properly, with the equipment at hand or hired in when I knew it wasn't going to be enough. In both cases, I've not had a problem. It was only when I started looking seriously at the spec of the amps and speakers that I began to wonder what was possible. At that point, I also began to question what the specs were actually telling me. Hence this thread popped up.
It's very simple. Do the math. I have X watts and a speaker capable of producing X DB with 1 watt of power. Every doubling of watts is equal to 3db of potential gain. You will come to a point where you can factor just how much SPL your able to create.
I don't see the maths as being important here. I know that's the right way to do it if you're being asked to spec a system for a certain application, but I'm not doing that. I will always use this system if it will do the job. I can't make the system any smaller or bigger. It is what it is, maths or no maths.
Being able to get your subs together and centralized can help get some better numbers. You gain 3db when you double the wattage, so placing one sub next to the other nets you another 3db. If you double again you gain another 3db etc. etc. Half space loading, which is what happens when you place the subs on the ground, should get you between 1 and 3db of more gain, but don't count on that.
Hmmm... Having only got two tops and two subs, I run them one sub either side with the tops on poles. I don't really see how I could centralise the subs like that, so I've not considered it before.
As for bands using up whatever they are given, that is true. If you allow a band to run what you brung, they will. I Have no problem with saying NO.
Again, it's a moot point. The band will use whatever I decide. I'm the sound engineer and I'm running the PA.
If the band is paying for a PA that is only capable of a portion of what they want, that is what they are paying for. If they want to pay for more then that is great. In many cases it's not the band paying for it. So saying no, this is all I can do, can go a long way, if the band realizes that it may come back to them for the bad results.
Again, it's the bands PA. I'm a member of the band as the sound engineer. It's not a case of money or who gets paid what for what.
If you are a privately owned small sound company and can provide 110db at 50' or more from the stage, your in a good place and you are probably also not going to be asking these questions. If your a bar/ private party guy that is always wondering why you can't get what is needed, now you know.
I'm none of these. I'm just a sound engineer that is confused by the way JBL have specified their numbers in the SRX manual and trying to get the best out of my amps because I'm not convinced the system is set up 'right' or the band will get the most out of it. In other words, all I'm really asking is, three fold:
1. If you had two JBL SRX718 speakers, how many subs would you run alongside them to consider the system 'correct' for rock type bands.
2. What power would you drive them with and how (mono bridged, stereo, what impedance?)?
3. Given the answers to the first two questions, how would you then use a couple of QSC PL236 amps as a best fit for those answers?
The 'application' that people have mentioned is purely; "to get the most out of the system without going daft, so that we can use the PA to its full ability and not hire a PA in as often."
The subs will also gain more headroom, by only having to deal with frequencies that they are meant to reproduce. This is a nice trick to try if you have self powered subs!!!!
I'm running the system bi-amped. That is, subs and tops. I have a dbx DriveRack PA on crossover duties. I wouldn't expect the subs to have to deal with full range. It's being done properly.
In the interest of spreading some understanding of the band and the type of gigs we are doing, here's the full collection of videos we have online. All were filmed on a Sony Z5E (go look it up - I'm not an amateur). The audio in all cases is straight into the camera mic (which probably costs more than most YouTube style cameras you normally see from amateur or semi-pro bands). So it's not exactly great, but it is more accurate than a lot of stuff out there.
Mama - UK 'all era' Genesis Tribute Band on Vimeo
I'm also running an X32 but I've yet to get chance to mix down one of the many multitrack recordings of a gig so that I can use superior audio for the videos. Shame that but I've just got too many wedding edits to complete professionally before I can dabble with the band videos. The videos are mostly of bigger gigs without our PA. The ones filmed at The Diamond are also not our PA. The most recent two are the JBLs, as are the early rehearsal videos. None of them are mixed on the X32. Hope you enjoy.
The band are performing at The Cavern in Liverpool tonight, so if I get chance, I'll grab some static video with X32 multitrack audio.