Looking for articles & examples

Jan 10, 2011
Abingdon, MD
Hi All,
I am looking for articles and examples of stage collapses/failures when using genies to support the roof structure outdoors. I know this is an unsafe practice, and a promoter I am working with is insisting that "it's fine," and "they've done it that way for years." I personally am pushing for an SL100.

Re: Looking for articles & examples

I happened across this..I'll try to find the text with it... I think it happened in Charlotte North Carolina. Tell the promoter it looks like a great idea... *roll*


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Re: Looking for articles & examples

We had a case years ago that the collapse was not directly the fault of the genie.

It was on a city street and they were not allowed to drive stakes and did not have ballasts.

So they tied the guy wires to the trucks.

Of course, somebody had to move one of the trucks-and they didn't remove the guy wire.

Down it came-----------
Re: Looking for articles & examples

Hi All,
I am looking for articles and examples of stage collapses/failures when using genies to support the roof structure outdoors. I know this is an unsafe practice, and a promoter I am working with is insisting that "it's fine," and "they've done it that way for years." I personally am pushing for an SL100.


The reason the Genie is not safe is that while they are rated for the static load and probably some over turning moment caused by the wind on the Genies structure, they are not rated for the overturning moment caused by the wind on the roof structure. They may also not have the design features for suspending loads above people.

A proper roof system should be rated (and supported) for the overturning moment cause by the reasonably expected winds.
Re: Looking for articles & examples

Simple tell them that roof structure requires a crew of fourteen people with no other duties on site the entire time it is in use.

That's one per guy plus one pe r crank with a crew chief plus a spotter.

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Re: Looking for articles & examples

Hey Evan,

You know this already, but doing something stupid and getting away with it does not make it any less stupid. Genies are only rated for direct static loads and not for lateral or rotating forces. In theory, once the roof is up and properly guy'ed, the lateral loads will be minimal, but in most cases the roof will not be adequately guy'ed while it is being raised or lowered.

That being said, in your case my main concern would be the liability of putting your crew and equipment in a situation that you knew was dangerous. If it all comes crashing down the roof provider would probably bear the primary liability, but you would also be assigned some degree of guilt because you knew it was dangerous and put your staff in harm's way anyway.

Re: Looking for articles & examples

Hey Evan,

You know this already, but doing something stupid and getting away with it does not make it any less stupid. Genies are only rated for direct static loads and not for lateral or rotating forces. In theory, once the roof is up and properly guy'ed, the lateral loads will be minimal, but in most cases the roof will not be adequately guy'ed while it is being raised or lowered.


Guy lines can indeed eliminate lateral movement, but they typically convert it into a vertical load, which the lifts may or may not be sized to take.
Re: Looking for articles & examples

Guy lines can indeed eliminate lateral movement, but they typically convert it into a vertical load, which the lifts may or may not be sized to take.

Correct. Steeper guy line angles translate more lateral force into vertical force, so the net vertical force needs to be carefully considered and could easily exceed the load limits.