LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

I need to have several sets of outputs for my LS9 and would love it if I could figure out a way to get them to track the main out fader. Some are just splits from the mains so I could use some matrixes which will let me set their relative levels but there are also some outputs that are subsets of the mains out or ones like an aux fed sub.

On the 01V96 I can link output faders and problem solved.

I suppose DCAs would do it too but I don't have em (that I know of).

Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

Or, if that doesn't work how about feeding you whole PA from matrix outs. Let the Stereo bus be what feeds the matrices post fader, but don't actually have anything coming out of the stereo bus (ie, it only feeds matrices).

Then the Matrix outs will track the fader post fader position of the stereo fader.
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

Perhaps I haven't been able to find the way to do it but I didn't think channel linking worked for outputs on an LS9. If it does, problem solved.
I really simply would like some aux outs to track the master fader (like the mono out does).
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

Perhaps I haven't been able to find the way to do it but I didn't think channel linking worked for outputs on an LS9. If it does, problem solved.

You can make an odd/even pair of mix buses stereo instead of dual mono, but that's the only linking I could find. Channel linking only applies to input channels.

It looks like using the matrices, and driving them from a stereo pair, is the way to go.

Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

I tried doing that this past weekend as I had Aux subs and Front Fills to play with.

In Studio Manager, I noticed that you can do a Left - Right - Mono set-up; but I couldn't figure out how to get the Mono to link up with anything and then to get it to connect with the Stereo (Mains Left & Right) send.

I ended up just using an extra Aux to run the Aux Subs and Front Fills and had the aux set to Post Fader, but if I pull down the Mains slider the Aux Subs and Front Fills stayed at level.

I didn’t see any Channel Out link, the only thing I saw was Channel In linking.
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

Most of the ways possible have been mentioned, and they all come with some compromise. If you're ok getting multiple outputs of the L/R mix (not discreet mixes to ones), then just send the L/R to a bunch of matrixes. Eg. front fills and delays get the same mix as the main. Not always ideal. If you do this, be sure to drive your mains off of a matrix pair too, and not the actual L/R.
If it's just aux subs (or one discrete mix in addition to the main) you can send that mix to the mono bus, link mono to L/R and the outputs will track. However, that's all you get, no FF plus subs plus L/R tracking. Unless, as Tim mentioned, you use your channel links, but I'm not willing to do a fader only channel link because I'm usually dealing with a bunch of stereo input sources. It would work if you were to go that way, but anything else linked would only have their faders linked, and not sends, gain, eq, etc.

Don't think you can do this in SM, but:
Setup-> preferences-> stereo/mono link

thomas d.
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

How about an external MIDI device? Something that one handle would actuate several faders on the board?
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

Thomas, can I send an AUX to the mono bus? I will have to see if I have time tomorrow to check it out. I suppose I could just select the mono bus for the channels I want to go to the subs but I do like to be able to shade the bass down or up on a channel to get the impact I want.
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

You can't send an aux to the mono buss but you can send it to the matrix. As long as the mixes were the same the matrix solution seems to be easiest. I'm afraid that everyone is correct in that you are going to need to compromise a good deal.

Is the idea that you want to have several outputs respond as the main fader is moved, but you need the mixes to be discreet? Would you be able to accomplish what you need if you set up the outputs on the Custom Fader Bank? This way you could flip over there and have access to all the masters for those out whether it be mix, master or matrix.

If it was on/off deal than the mute masters could be handy- but it sounds like you need to change the amplitude and want everything to go with single fader control.

You can send the mono to the matrix and then you could pick and choose what went to the mono->matrix (but you can't have specific levels)

I've always kept my subs, fills, delays on auxes but that is really me just slowing moving from the analog world. The matrix is the easy way to do it, but I still like to keep things out of the subs that have no business being there.
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

Quirky, but might work: MIDI out to computer that's running Bome's Midi Translator, and back in to the console. Have Bome's translate the Stereo master's MIDI out messages to the messages needed to move the desired Aux masters by the same amount.
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

You can't send an aux to the mono buss but you can send it to the matrix. As long as the mixes were the same the matrix solution seems to be easiest. I'm afraid that everyone is correct in that you are going to need to compromise a good deal.

Is the idea that you want to have several outputs respond as the main fader is moved, but you need the mixes to be discreet? Would you be able to accomplish what you need if you set up the outputs on the Custom Fader Bank? This way you could flip over there and have access to all the masters for those out whether it be mix, master or matrix.

If it was on/off deal than the mute masters could be handy- but it sounds like you need to change the amplitude and want everything to go with single fader control.

You can send the mono to the matrix and then you could pick and choose what went to the mono->matrix (but you can't have specific levels)

I've always kept my subs, fills, delays on auxes but that is really me just slowing moving from the analog world. The matrix is the easy way to do it, but I still like to keep things out of the subs that have no business being there.

That is not correct. See attached pic. You can send the aux to the matrix as described, and that's generally how I do it. However, if I'm running a simple show with only L/R + 1 zone you can use the mono (or a mix sent to mono) to keep your outputs in balance using only the L/R fader (with mono linked to L/R in the preferences).


thomas d.
Re: LS9 - any workarounds for ganging up output mix control?

You can't send an aux to the mono buss but you can send it to the matrix. As long as the mixes were the same the matrix solution seems to be easiest. I'm afraid that everyone is correct in that you are going to need to compromise a good deal.

Is the idea that you want to have several outputs respond as the main fader is moved, but you need the mixes to be discreet? Would you be able to accomplish what you need if you set up the outputs on the Custom Fader Bank? This way you could flip over there and have access to all the masters for those out whether it be mix, master or matrix.

That is how I have been doing things but with more complicated events the outputs are taking up more faders on the CFB which I use to mix the show most times.