Hi Guys,
I can't seem to find any info on this on the Avid Forum (or anywhere else).
I'm using QLab to play 4 tracks (LR, Click and VOG) into the Profile I'm touring with at the moment via FWx. Works like a charm.
And I'm using my iTunes for preshow music, via FWx too. Works like a charm too.
But, QLab maps to Firewire channels 1-4, iTunes maps to channels 1-2. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my problem.
How can I change the channel iTunes maps to? Is there some Avid utility to do this?
I could change all my QLab cues to map to channels 3-6, but that probably would take half a day, and be very prone to errors.
On my macBook Pro, I can only select FWx, my motu, or internal line out, but I can't specify any channels.
Any help would be appreciated.
Good night, happy touring and thanks.
I can't seem to find any info on this on the Avid Forum (or anywhere else).
I'm using QLab to play 4 tracks (LR, Click and VOG) into the Profile I'm touring with at the moment via FWx. Works like a charm.
And I'm using my iTunes for preshow music, via FWx too. Works like a charm too.
But, QLab maps to Firewire channels 1-4, iTunes maps to channels 1-2. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my problem.
How can I change the channel iTunes maps to? Is there some Avid utility to do this?
I could change all my QLab cues to map to channels 3-6, but that probably would take half a day, and be very prone to errors.
On my macBook Pro, I can only select FWx, my motu, or internal line out, but I can't specify any channels.
Any help would be appreciated.
Good night, happy touring and thanks.