I have looked on You Tube abd found a few videos showing some of the features of the Pro1,but would like to see somehting more in depth. Do any of you know of something a little more in depth? Also,can someone explain the Pop groups?
Shane,thanks. I have seen this one and it really doesn't show me what I want to know.If you watch the first few minutes,he starts out by saying "if I press this,then this shows up here".What is he pressing and what is showing up? It's hard to tell. While the video does show some features which is nice to know,what I am looking for is a video that shows you how to set up a channel.How to set up and aux.How to send channels to a group or VCA.How to send the groups to the main outs.How to add effects to a channel.How to save everything. Perhaps Midas includes such a video with the console,or hopefully their manual is better than most manuals at explaining all these things.
OK,now I think I totally screwed up.I went to home- preferences -then saw the lock symbol and thought maybe that was the problem.I hit locked now I can't get anything other than the screen with the Midas logo.Now what?
OK,now I think I totally screwed up.I went to home- preferences -then saw the lock symbol and thought maybe that was the problem.I hit locked now I can't get anything other than the screen with the Midas logo.Now what?
Did the desk come with a manual? Page 89.
Brian- thanks.Got it unlocked. Still need to get the surface inputs happening.Lock screen - go to the lower left corner and very lightly shaded is 'UNLOCK'. Left click.
Tim,the desk did not come with a manual.However,I did download one.It's 585 pages!
I went at a Pro1 without a manual - had to consult Google for 2-3 questions. Other than that, in my humble opinion anyway, I would consider them intuitive.
Finally got audio. Yeah! Now I have to start preping for my colonostopy tommorow so I won't be playing with it much tonight!