Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

Re: Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

They seem to be lacking one classic (humorous and dirty) unit of thickness the RCH...that I learned about as a young puke working in a machine shop (hint a fine body hair that is finer on red heads).

It was funny to see the "smoot" unit of length. Back in the '60s when I lived in Boston and worked in Cambridge I would walk across the Harvard bridge often and saw the original length measurement painted on the walkway. Apparently the bridge is 364.4 Smoots long.

Re: Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

They seem to be lacking one classic (humorous and dirty) unit of thickness the RCH...that I learned about as a young puke working in a machine shop (hint a fine body hair that is finer on red heads).

So is a RCH about 2000 or 3000 beard seconds? They might be related--------------------------------
Re: Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

They seem to be lacking one classic (humorous and dirty) unit of thickness the RCH...that I learned about as a young puke working in a machine shop (hint a fine body hair that is finer on red heads).

It was funny to see the "smoot" unit of length. Back in the '60s when I lived in Boston and worked in Cambridge I would walk across the Harvard bridge often and saw the original length measurement painted on the walkway. Apparently the bridge is 364.4 Smoots long.


Humor is indeed in the eye of the beholder. (Much like the fore mentioned beauty. Which to me makes the millihelen particularly funny.)
I would think the RCH was left off only because it is vulgar, and not humorous. To each his own. Maybe you should add it into the Wiki page.
(Has anyone here ever done a Wiki update/page/or correction?)

Hadn't heard of Smoot, but approve. All or most measurements do have a basis of arbitrary nature.
When visiting Paris one of the best museums we went to was Musée des Arts et Métiers. Musée des Arts et Métiers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the top floor was dedicated to weights and measures. And how they each started, and then had to be intertwined.
I was surprised there was not more about photography, as the French had a lot to do with the start of that, but was pleasantly surprised at the early sound measurements that were represented.

And no mention of the millihelen there either. The French of all people should have the female beauty quotient appraised.
Re: Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

I warned you it was dirty... To call the repartee overheard while working in a small machine shop vulgar is redundant.

I believe Bink was involved in trying to get accurate information on wiki pages about some audio technology. I'm sure no good deed goes unpunished. I think he had some issues.

The funniest thing about the Smoot distance marks on the Harvard bridge, which were just a fraternity prank, is that the local police started using them to report precise locations of automobile accidents on the bridge, so had the marks repainted after they wore off.

When I was young and wandering the world with my pokemon friends, I did quite well in the battles with my nanochou, which everyone knows is a thousand times stronger than a picochou.
Re: Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

They seem to be lacking one classic (humorous and dirty) unit of thickness the RCH...that I learned about as a young puke working in a machine shop (hint a fine body hair that is finer on red heads).

Not to be confused with PH measurement, which may or may not be something completely different :razz:
Re: Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

If we are going to have a conversation about little known units of measurements, we would be remiss to not bring up theregister.

A trade mag for the IT crowd that routinely goes off topic in all sorts of directions and has editors with good humour, they decided years ago to do the right thing and make up their own units of measurement for use in cases where it just doesn't matter.

I enjoy their reporting to this day.

So, what's the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum? ? The Register

Karl P
Re: Millihelen: a measurment previously unknown to me.

I am not suggesting we embrace PH as a metric for measurement, just offering it as an example of an alternate measurement system proffered to be funny. Since my two older brothers had summer jobs in the same machine shop, and we all saw humor in it, we used it in conversation to amuse ourselves.

Certainly not appropriate for polite discussion in front of the fair sex (like mom).