Mutiple Power Taps - Backine Power...

Re: Mutiple Power Taps - Backine Power...


knockouts here are what happens at the pub on a friday night LOL. I am pretty sure they are called something else here. Anyways i am of to look at the whirlwind stuff and see if its available here in Aus.

cheers dave
Re: Mutiple Power Taps - Backine Power...

No not sarcasm......what i have seen here is in Aussie of this sort of stuff is that the "knockouts" are all threaded and so they wont fall out, hence my question as i didnt understand. Just noticed Mikes post above and obviously i have only seen outdoor ones. thanks Tim for the explanation, i am now a little bit more knowledgable LOL.

cheers dave

Here's the kind of box that got this discussion started.
You can see that the knockouts in question are punched though about a 355° arc of the circle, leaving just a thin strip holding the disc in place until "knocked out" with a tap of the hammer or poke of the screwdriver blade, leading to the vulnerability when used in portable applications that causes us concern. They are designed to be screwed down to the wall, not knocked about onstage, although I am not alone (having seen them on many construction sites used this way) in using them at the end of an e-cord for portable power tools.

I have used Whirlwind products for ages with good results, but these OA Windsor boxes look like the way to go, with their rubber overcoats they won't get scratched up or scratch up the stage floor.

Here's something quick and dirty, no assembly required.
Re: Mutiple Power Taps - Backine Power...

The problem I have with those HD quads, and the furman branded ones as well, is the damn on/off switch! Why would I ever want a switch strategically placed so that if anyone kicks/steps on/plugs in and misses/ it'll turn the damn box off? I would love a product like this without the switch. Or replace the switch with a pop up breaker at least.
Re: Mutiple Power Taps - Backine Power...

Thanks for the responses.

I do like the OA Windsor system - I was considering the Lex for the lack of relative bulk - probably not the best tradeoff.
I have one of the HD/LOWES yellow multitap cords, and I like it - OK - but at 25' with two in the middle, and one on the end, well it really does not buy me much. Add a second one on the end, and I only have five. The Lex Orechesra had six in 25 feet.

Thinking through it, with the comments above, I'll probably have a OA Windsor system in my bag-o-tricks soon.

OA Windsor has some Powercon Equipped boxes. Two questions: as far as I know, Powercons are not something an inspector would normally see - do we think an inspector would have problems using Powercons - with SO cable? If it is neat, no trip hazards, no bailing wire or duck tape holding things together?
The other question is utility - making a on-the-fly custom stringer w/Powercon boxes has some appeal, but is the idea better than the practical reality? More moving contacts, more points of failure, more cost - versus use what you need, easy replacement of a damaged section, etc.

Re: Mutiple Power Taps - Backine Power...

It is my feeling that these little details are what separate a varsity member running a small system from a junior varsity setup. I also think that JV shouldn't be a race to the bottom and where we can apply big league principles we should (especially one like this that are not that costly). My personal goal is that when I bring in a rig or set up for a show, no one can tell if I have done it once that week or six times that week.

And I have been in the online sound community for about three years now, and I learned many of these details from the people who are right here in this community.

+1 Jay, so true what you say. To add to that once you have that attitude and work in that direction, it becomes second nature to your productions and less than that becomes unacceptable. It rubs off on the help you hire, your shows go smoother, clients notice and smile when they pay you and hire you without having to see a bid first. Life is good.

I also have gained an incredible amount of knowledge from the awesome people on these forums. Thank you to all of you!
Re: Mutiple Power Taps - Backine Power...

I just ordered a couple of 2T-D's from OA Windsor. I'm moving up in the world!

Nice people to deal with and they have some great prices on Hubble connectors too.
Concerts Unlimited's Stage Power Setup

Someone might find it useful if I post how we do stage power:


They are all made with Leviton spec-grade receptacles, Leviton industrial-grade cord caps, two powercons (except the 3 footer), stainless plates, SO or ST cord (as long as there is no J it's legal), and the weatherproof plastic boxes (of course, not weatherproof with that cover).

They're relatively inconsistent because they're been made over the years with various pieces of scrap cord, whatever receptacle stock the supplier had, etc.

Excuse the cell phone pics...

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