My favorite karaoke performance of all time

Re: My favorite karaoke performance of all time

Just lovely. Cruelty for fun and profit. Imagine the flip side, she would sue the show, the hosts, the producers, the writer, and the TV station for giving her PTSD, win a few hundred million dollars, bankrupt all of them, and live the rest of her life in a beach house in the tropics with 4 times a week psychotherapy. The hosts' laughter is similar to that of a group of 7 year old cowards bullying and torturing an unpopular classmate. Then again, given that the singer did not grab the host, shove his head into the skunk cage and hold him there through the commercial break suggests it was all probably fake, so just pulling the license of the TV station and pursuing legal action to make sure none of the staff involved in creating the idea ever worked again in media would probably be more appropriate.