Peavey IPR2 amps?

Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

Two popular on line vendors now have them in stock. I actually received one about 6 weeks ago. So far so good. I'm not really up to the kind of review most here would find useful but I can share some observations. It is ridiculously light weight. The case is a little flexy - def use rear rack rails. I did a trial by fire and used it to run a small show - 2 LA325s on one side and 2 4719s on the other. Room was small, about 125 people. Classic rock with e-drums, key, guitars, and bass, plus 3 vox. PLENTY of power. I'm sure I could have destroyed some drivers if not careful. Very efficient - going by how loud my speakers were compared to before with same but powered by CE4000/QSCSRA3622. My work light at the board was not dimming with the beat as I am used to in this room. The IPR2 7500 never even got warm and I have yet to see the DDT light come on. The only nit pics I have are the fan is a touch noisy - mechanical sounding, and the amp as a whole to me sounds distinctly bright, enough that I dialed back some highs. I thought the same thing about the IPR3k though. I'm going to use it to power 4 Fulcrum DX1565s this weekend. If it does that well - I'll be a happy camper.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

Two popular on line vendors now have them in stock. I actually received one about 6 weeks ago. So far so good. I'm not really up to the kind of review most here would find useful but I can share some observations. It is ridiculously light weight. The case is a little flexy - def use rear rack rails. I did a trial by fire and used it to run a small show - 2 LA325s on one side and 2 4719s on the other. Room was small, about 125 people. Classic rock with e-drums, key, guitars, and bass, plus 3 vox. PLENTY of power. I'm sure I could have destroyed some drivers if not careful. Very efficient - going by how loud my speakers were compared to before with same but powered by CE4000/QSCSRA3622. My work light at the board was not dimming with the beat as I am used to in this room. The IPR2 7500 never even got warm and I have yet to see the DDT light come on. The only nit pics I have are the fan is a touch noisy - mechanical sounding, and the amp as a whole to me sounds distinctly bright, enough that I dialed back some highs. I thought the same thing about the IPR3k though. I'm going to use it to power 4 Fulcrum DX1565s this weekend. If it does that well - I'll be a happy camper.

My church customers' Crown iTech 4x3500HD went down. I had on me when I got the call after hours was a IPR2 7500. The amp is powering 4 JBL VRX928s per side in a church until the Crown returns. When I pull it out of the church, I will put it through a torture and critical listening test and get back with you guys.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

My church customers' Crown iTech 4x3500HD went down. I had on me when I got the call after hours was a IPR2 7500. The amp is powering 4 JBL VRX928s per side in a church until the Crown returns. When I pull it out of the church, I will put it through a torture and critical listening test and get back with you guys.

Very much looking forward to your review.

I imagine that there must be a fair number of these amps in the wild by now -yet not much public comment. ??

FWIW, my outing in August went very well. Medium sized beer tent. Used an IPR2 7500 to power 4 Fulcrum DX1565s hi passed at 100hz - bi-amped, so 2 ohms nominal per side. System was as loud as I needed w/o seeing DDT. The amp didn't break a sweat and sounded basically invisible. (The Fulcrums however, sounded fantastic.)
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

A guy I work with has two. He powered some subs at 4 ohms and got good results, not as good as his crest cc amps. However 1 amp was sent back to peavey already for a ribbon cable issue, peavy fixed/replaced it with a new cable and had it back to him in 2 days.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

any new info on this ?

I ran two JBL VRX arrays with it loaded down to two ohms, no issues. I ran it bridge mono to four JBL ASB6112s in parallel, balls to the wall wide open, and it sounded no worse than being on one channel of an iTech4x3500HD. For me, it was all about reliability.

I think they are like any amp and only as good as their power. Feed them clean, regulated, constant power, and they will be great.

Sound-wise? I can't say yet. I am going to keep listening.

The big issue that I can see is going to be the electronics are physically unfiltered. With everything so exposed, I cannot recommend these to my customers. Customers in churches don't clean their amps, don't change their projector filters, etc. These things must be cleaned out according to Peavey on a regular basis.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

The big issue that I can see is going to be the electronics are physically unfiltered. With everything so exposed, I cannot recommend these to my customers. Customers in churches don't clean their amps, don't change their projector filters, etc. These things must be cleaned out according to Peavey on a regular basis.

Sounds like a very easy sale of a maintenance agreement. :)

Or a regular replacement of equipment. Either way you win!
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

The big issue that I can see is going to be the electronics are physically unfiltered. With everything so exposed, I cannot recommend these to my customers. Customers in churches don't clean their amps, don't change their projector filters, etc.

You mean unlike all the other amplifiers which blow unfiltered air through the chassis too?

News flash, not all amplifiers have filters on the fans. This is nothing new.

These things must be cleaned out according to Peavey on a regular basis.

Where do you get this stuff, Brent? I ask because I'm pretty sure you didn't get it from Peavey.

Sure, any electronics that live in a dirty environment should be cleaned, but these amplifiers are not any different from others. A more aggressive cleaning schedule is not required.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

You mean unlike all the other amplifiers which blow unfiltered air through the chassis too?

News flash, not all amplifiers have filters on the fans. This is nothing new.

I actually REMOVE the filters from my Crest amps. I'd rather have them get dusty inside but still have airflow as opposed to the filters clogging up quickly (which they do) and causing the amps to shut down and/or shorten component life from excessive heat. I'm not the only one who does this apparently.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

Yeah i do that too. A compressor blow from time to time is usually enough.
Always put something in the fan to keep it from moving when blowing it out with compressed air.

The blast can cause the fan to move at speeds far faster than it is supposed to-possibly damaging the bearings leading to early failure.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

The big issue that I can see is going to be the electronics are physically unfiltered. With everything so exposed, I cannot recommend these to my customers. Customers in churches don't clean their amps, don't change their projector filters, etc. These things must be cleaned out according to Peavey on a regular basis.
And you think that customer who have filters on the amps clean them? Some do-but very few from my experience.

I would argue that all things being equal-an amp without a filter will have decent airflow longer than an amp with a filter.

I can't tell you the number of amps that I have seen that have dust falling off of the filters so they can't breath and overheat.

And also the number of amps that overheat because the fan blades are so coated with dust they can't turn.

There really is no "best way" except regular maintenance.

I guess the "best way" would be to use passively cooled amps-which are limited in power and not many are available these days.
Re: Peavey IPR2 amps?

Always put something in the fan to keep it from moving when blowing it out with compressed air.

The blast can cause the fan to move at speeds far faster than it is supposed to-possibly damaging the bearings leading to early failure.

I'd be as worried about the voltage from the fan acting as a generator as the fan bearings.