Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

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Re: Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

Only one of these is a real option... What about real pro mixers from yesteryear? Crest X series? Midas H3000? PM4000

Indeed. Add to that list Soundcraft Series 5. I have been shocked to see how cheaply those have been showing up on the used market. Saw a 48ch go for 6K a while ago, and under 10K is doable.

I'd still rather have digital though unless there is a ton of good outboard. If the outboard racks literally weigh about a ton, that might get me to a comparable starting point, and don't complain about seat-kill.
Re: Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?


I think the key words to any analog package are "well-maintained" and "extensive outboards". If either/both are potential problems I'd say buy the M7 and get on with life.

We've still got a couple of large frame analog desks in our inventory and since 90%+ of our shows now spec some flavor of 0101011 desk they aren't getting the routine love and care they once did. In the Good Olde Days (more than 2 or 3 years ago), any band that wanted a digital mixer brought it with; now any act that wants analog tends to have it in the trailer.

YMMV and all that...

Tim Mc
Re: Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

I've heard many good things about APB dynasonics but I've never seen them on a rider. I'm actually surprised that Soundcraft MH is winning the poll. I figured that the Verona would run away with it. I've seen a few riders that said no Soundcraft or no A&H, but I've never seen a rider that said no Midas....I know that the Verona is no where near a Heritage console, but it does have a nice logo going for it LOL...Looks like the Pro 2 will be over 20K....that sucks for me...
Re: Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

@ Steve......Where does the A&H hate come from? I'm not arguing with you, but I have an A&H and a Soundcraft and we think the A&H sounds darn good. I know they make some budget consoles but their VCA stuff is pretty good. Back in the late 90's/early 00's I saw nothing but A&H on a good bit of national acts (nothing A list) but many a GL4/ 4000 for FOH or Monitors. I've often wondered why Soundcraft is considered to be that much better than A&H, you know their mixers are pretty close in price and build quality from what I've observed. Please tell me where I'm wrong?
Re: Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

I honestly can't believe I'm saying this, but I would prefer any of the above consoles over any digital desk if I weren't carrying. That is, of course, if I haven't been with the band very long and don't have presets for a bunch of digital consoles stored on a drive. Even then, I would prefer any of the above analog offerings over any Yamaha digital console. Hell, after some recent one offs, I would prefer a Midas Venice, a TC M1, and 8 channels of decent compression over most digital desks. Why? Because in installs, zeroed out never really means zeroed out, and I'm just old enough to have mixed more shows on analog consoles than digital ones. Oh, and there's that whole sound quality thing, which seems to be lost on many engineers. Just because a digital console has a 4 band fully parametric eq, a compressor, and a gate on each channel doesn't mean you need to use it. Especially for a one off.

If I were buying for a venue now, and FOH footprint wasn't an issue, I would look at used Yamaha PM5000 or Soundcraft Series 5. Both are fantastic consoles that never gained market share or rider acceptability in the US, and are therefore underpriced in the used market.
Re: Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

If I were buying for a venue now, and FOH footprint wasn't an issue, I would look at used Yamaha PM5000 or Soundcraft Series 5. Both are fantastic consoles that never gained market share or rider acceptability in the US, and are therefore underpriced in the used market.


i've seen both of these desks on ebay for criminally low prices. 5k's are particularly sad little orphans since they came out at pretty much exactly the wrong time [birth of the PM5d/digital age]. this also means they tend to be very low mileage for the money...

'course i've been doing digital live since well before there were any digital live consoles so i'd still rather have a digital desk most times....
Re: Poll: Which analog console would you like to see at FOH?

to answer the actual OP's poll...

i kinda hate all of these. i've used the A&H and it was okay. soundcraft has bitten me hard at too many shows. and the midas isn't really a midas...

i'm with bennett. i'd much rather see an older 'real' desk.