Quick Reverb Twin Question

Ben Lawrence

Mar 2, 2011
Have a backline twin that popped a fuse. Thought I might get lucky so got a pack of replacements. Still blowing them but I noticed one of the tubes is lighting up like a christmas tree. Swapped out two of the tubes and the light flickering followed the "bad" tube. Is there a chance all I need to do is swap out this tube? Its one of the larger ones. Sovtek 5881WXT.
A flickering tube is generally bad, or has intermittent connections. The Sovteks should glow blue.
If you swapped the flickering tube (good idea to # & date the tubes) to another position and it flickered there, and no other tubes flicker, replace it.

You probably should check the bias on your "twin" when you replace the tube.
Thanks Art. I got a matched set and popped them in and the fuse is holding up. It will need a bias at this point as well but its not blowing fuses so that's a win on this end. Looked it up biasing a bit. Think I will just drop it at a local amp repair for that.