Registering for the first time

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After waiting my customary minimum obeservation-period when discovering a new forum I'm ready to participate in your new and interesting-looking forums. Congrats on your new forum! :)

I just wanted to give some quick feedback on the registration process:

I experienced the captcha-riddle to be so hard to read I had to try 4 times to get one correct. Another slightly annoying issue was that when going back to try again my password was gone, and when I finally remembered to retype the password AND managed to get the captcha right, the forum had unclicked the "I agree" box, so another round was required. No biggie, but perhaps enough to be offputting to some, so I thought it proper to mention it.

Best regards and thanks for having me,

Re: Registering for the first time


After waiting my customary minimum obeservation-period when discovering a new forum I'm ready to participate in your new and interesting-looking forums. Congrats on your new forum! :)

I just wanted to give some quick feedback on the registration process:

I experienced the captcha-riddle to be so hard to read I had to try 4 times to get one correct. Another slightly annoying issue was that when going back to try again my password was gone, and when I finally remembered to retype the password AND managed to get the captcha right, the forum had unclicked the "I agree" box, so another round was required. No biggie, but perhaps enough to be offputting to some, so I thought it proper to mention it.

Best regards and thanks for having me,


Thanks for joining us!

We realize the captcha process can get annoying, but it's only a one time thing. Even with that, we have been getting some spam registrations, but it has stopped the majority. We can't do anything about it not storing the password between registration attempts, that seems to be a standard with everything for security issues though. Same with the agree box, it's all there to prevent spam.
Re: Registering for the first time


Glad you managed to make it through. It's a pleasure to see you here. Sorry the registration process is kind of a pain, but once you're in there shouldn't be any other hurdles to jump.

We're using re-Captcha for the human verification because in my experience it is the least annoying. According to our logs it really does work, although of course some spammers bypass it by using the simple expedient of having humans do the registration. Oh well.
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