For years I have been using Window's RDP and it has been nearly perfect. I have always connected the computer via wired ethernet to the router, and the tablet via wireless ethernet to the same router. It has been nearly flawless. My big test is running smaart on RTA. If the meters move and the RTA updates in real time or darn close (constant fixed latency is OK with me if it's small enough to register button clicks) with super low or no percievable latency. This has been on a G router. Now I've moved over to Mac and I'd like to use a 1st gen iPad (assuming it will work) to do the same thing. I have tried a few VNC apps, too slow, splashtop, which is better still not as fast as Windows RDP, but has strange (different) gestures, ideally I could use the native trackpad gestures. It is not intuitive to have to memorize 2 sets of gestures to do the same work. I would like single finger tap for left click, 2 finger tap for right click, 2 finger scrolling, 3 finger select/ move, 4 finger spaces for switching desktops. The deal breaker though is the speed. I have to be able to see real time screen updates, even if the frame rate is lower (drop frames). I am willing to buy an N router, or an airport extreme to get it done if necessary.
Have you guys found anything that fits this description? I'd like to avoid buying every app in the app store just to find the one.
Have you guys found anything that fits this description? I'd like to avoid buying every app in the app store just to find the one.