Smaller sound companies and backline

Re: Smaller sound companies and backline

Keep in mind that some backline companies will go almost anywhere if the required kit is sufficiently large that the money works out.

Which is why I was in Houston and Dallas a few months back and in North Carolina later this month. We go where the show (and $) is.

I will say, just serving mid level acts this month I have had to buy 2 new keyboards and cross rent some amps. It's not cheap to keep up.
However I got by on small corporate stuff for a whole with the real basic kit.
Re: Smaller sound companies and backline

We have some basic backline also. It helps during festival type events to not have to keep resetting the stage.
What we found though is you have to have stuff they may not normally get to use or is nicer then what they own.

Eric, what part of Florida are you in? We are also in Florida so we do outdoor festival type shows year round.

Re: Smaller sound companies and backline

Steve, I'm in Gainesville. I joke that we are 2 hours from everywhere. We do the whole state though.
This week alone I was down in Naples, Orlando, and then north in Jacksonville.
South Florida (Palm beach) next week.

I'll PM you too Steve. Always good to make friends.