Snowmageddon 2011

Jan 11, 2011
Tulsa, OK
The dig out begins. reports indicate that we got upwards of a foot of snow in about 12 hours. Some places as much as 20 inches. Snow drifts 2 to 4 feet deep.

I'm hunkering down with friends south of Tulsa, about 20 minutes from the venue, still a no go to get to work.

My car at about 7:45 am this morning:


My car at about 3:30 pm this afternoon, after the snow finally stopped, and we started trying to dig out:


Re: Snowmageddon 2011

Its hard for us northerners to realize this is anything of an issue.

I saw this and was like wow! someone gets to whip out the snowblower.

Then I saw where you were at, and realized it might not be a normal thing to wake up to. With that much snow I would still be expected into work since I live in town.

Have fun! Don't forget to make a snow fort!
Re: Snowmageddon 2011

This all started in the Tulsa area about 11pm Monday night. we got an hour of sleet and then it dumped a metric shit tonne of snow on the whole state in about 8 hours, and then kept snowing until about 3pm.

We don't have snow blowers or snow mobiles here. And the City only has about six snow plows, and three of those are road graders. There more than a couple of the rural town and counties that have to share a single snow plow.

But hey, we get up close and personal when the tornadoes show up later in the spring.
Re: Snowmageddon 2011

Nice photos. (I hate snow)

Remember to always turn your windshield wipers to the ''off'' position before you turn off the car. When starting the car.... you don't want to burn up the motors when they can't complete the cycle because of the snow/ice on the car windshield.

I don't envy all of the digging you'll have ahead of you.

Good Luck, take rests, and keep hydrated.


Re: Weather Forecast

That about says it. We got a little snow yesterday,but last night an ice storm came through. Many places are without power due to trees/lines down.Some roads closed for the same reasons. Found a rabbit frozen to death right next to the house. Was completely encased in ice.Seems every Wednesday for the last 4 weeks we got a snow storm.It's also been the coldest winter in some time. The cold snap started around Thanksgiving and has continued. Today it's supposed warm up to 36.Woopee!
Re: Snowmageddon 2011

There was a discussion about the merits of straight vs. crooked snow shoves on another interweb forum. I mentioned that at 49+6 I can count the number of times I've seen more than a few flakes on 1 hand and I've never used a shovel for it and I hope to go to that big jam in the sky without ever touching one.
Re: Snowmageddon 2011

There was a discussion about the merits of straight vs. crooked snow shoves on another interweb forum. I mentioned that at 49+6 I can count the number of times I've seen more than a few flakes on 1 hand and I've never used a shovel for it and I hope to go to that big jam in the sky without ever touching one.

We had what turns out to be the third worst snowstorm on record, 20.6'' of blizzard last night thru lunch today. Thought we were going to lose power, it blipped 3-4 times last night, but thankfully held. About 80k lost juice by 11pm last night.

Here I am about 12' from the street shoveling our 100' driveway with help from our son. Much of the last 40' was waist high drift, and the Honda 5hp single stage snowblower couldn't chew through it in typical fashion-we chopped into the snow with shovels to break it down, then used the snowblower. Tedious, but better than no Honda.


Just because we're so nice around here, the temp tonight is predicted to hig -7 f. Lovely.

Best regards,


PS. After digging our driveway out, we went to the in-laws and repeated the scenario. I've already loaded up on Advil, and I may have a Scotch later.
Re: Snowmageddon 2011

We got hit yesterday and again today. The 4th big one this season.

We started working around the house today so we can start raking the roof and getting at the ice dams.

I decided to finally dig out the snow blower today as I am having trouble finding places to put snow with the loader.

So 2 hrs of work with the loader got us to it then an hour of hand work to uncover it :DIt even started with a little boost from the battery charger and some starting fluid!

Backed it out and got to it - blowing the 3ft drifts over the big piles.

It helps that it is a 22hp diesel snow blower
Re: Snowmageddon 2011

Lake Shore Drive will be the bitching point for a while during the mayoral campaign now taking place. I think the problem was as much people not heeding the warnings to stay off LSD-and it was broadcast before the storm with plenty of time, as much as it was the city waiting too long to close it down.

According to the local weather maps, the heart of the blizzard came ashore across the city, making the lakefront one terrible place to be. Winds up to 70mph, 20' waves crashing in, total white out conditions. There is a fair stretch of lakefront on both the north and south sides that is all park, so very little to slow the blizzard down, which really buried the roadway in a hurry.

To top it off, some 60 year old man was walking along the lakefront and was blown into the water. He did not survive.

This morning at 7:30am it is zero degrees and sunny out. Pretty.

Best regards,

Re: Snowmageddon 2011

Two of our guys left University of Chicago at 2:30 and were crawling on Lake Shore Drive; they arrived in Evanston at 9pm; they were lucky to get off the highway and not be stuck as many were there. I spent 2 years here (92-94) and thought I knew cold, but between the cold and insane wind whipping the snow into your face, it was brand new.

Yesterday all of Evanston was closed until dinner time, but the streets are still covered; huge piles of snow on corners, etc. Will take a while to get dump trucks and front end loaders to allow any kind of parking.

With that, I'm bundling up to walk around the corner to Clarkes and hope they're open for breakfast. Flight last night, rescheduled flight this morning both canceled and here until a 9:30 flight tonight.
Re: Snowmageddon 2011


Apparently you got all of that and more. Just got of the phone with my dad in North Texas, he reports 6-8'' across the Metroplex. Now that is a bit unusual. He stayed in-didn't want to deal with the natives who don't know how to handle it.

Best regards,
