Mid-way through a speech by a visiting astronaut, the wireless mic he is on flakes out and stops working. We had a backup ready to go, so I wait for what seems like a good moment, and slip up on stage. As I clip the lav on and put the body pack on his belt in front of a full house, he makes a gracious comment about how comms is perhaps the most important part of of space travel, and something that they take extra care to get right at NASA.
I get the mic situated and flip the mute switch off. The FOH tech already has the channel up -- way up -- with predictable results. Without thinking, I flip the mute back on and skeedaddle, thinking in my head, "I'll help her fix it at the console." Now I've interrupted a high-profile event, generated an even more distracting wave of feedback, and not fixed a damn thing. Strangely enough, the video from that event was never published...and more strangely, I kept that job. 8)~
The astronaut in question was a class act through and through, and an excellent speaker. He was self-aware enough to know his mic was not functioning correctly, and was really belting it out to compensate. In hind-sight, the mic swap was probably not necessary.