Stage direction... Which way to point it?

Re: Stage direction... Which way to point it?

The smart ass in me piped up and said, "Towards the audience!"

It seems in my limited recollection that a lot of the well thought stages, temporary and permanent, have tended to point East to Southeast, with the sun setting behind the performers. Not that I haven't seen a lot of other stages pointed other ways for various reasons, both good and bad.
Re: Stage direction... Which way to point it?

If the show starts during the daytime and plays into the evening, it is kind of crappy to make your ticket paying audience stare into the setting sun while the band plays. If there is a choice, I would have the audience face the east and make the performers face the west, if it must be an east / west configuration. Preferred would be a north / south configuration where it will not make as much difference. In short, consider where the sun is and where it is going during the show, and don't make your audience look into it.

That said, I have worked all manner of festivals facing all directions. The sun setting is a temporary issue that quickly becomes a non-issue as the sun drops to the horizon.