Sub box construction question?

Re: Sub box construction question?

I agree with all you said.

One addition, I have used biscuit joints, and had them fall apart because the biscuit expands and contracts at a different rate than the plywood in differing humidity. Here in the high desert the usual is around 22%, but can go to 80% for a short period after a rain.

Now, anyplace I'd have use a biscuit I use a pocket hole jig and screws.


Nice info. I think the pocket hole screws are super. They obviate the need for clamps. I don't really trust brads to replace the pressure of clamps but the pocket hole screws get the job done efficiently and ease assembly.
Re: Sub box construction question?

I glue and screw everything together, no fancy joints, because I don't know them. I pre drill the piece being screwed to another. When its all done I fill the heads in with automotive bondo, then finish the cabinet.

No nails, would not trust them. Nail two pieces of wood together, then pull apart, screw the same piece together and try to pull it apart.

But to just glue and clamp a box together, and no other means of fastening,,, Sounds like a future problem may occur.

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