Tape Op SM57 Mod

David Luscombe

Mar 24, 2011
Hi All

I thought I would just post this little project I did the other day.

I needed a small snare mic and thought I would take the opportunity to have a go at this mod that I had read about.

I did it by simple unscrewing the 2 body halves and desoldering the cable and I have kept the lower half of the body with the transformer in it in tacted so that I can put it back together at a later date if I decied I need to.

I simply used the cone part of a lamp fitting and drilled the end out for a gland an glued the gland into the end.

I soldered the Mic lead direct to the mic and the lamp end just screws on.

Yes I am aware of the dangers of phantom with this mic but it does sound very different from a normal 57 and a lot more like an SM7 and with a level drop that I like as well.

We will see how it goes on the weekend at its first gig.


Re: Tape Op SM57 Mod

I've got a 57 that I put the foam windscreen on and it sounds more neutral as well. I've used it on sax and male vocals and liked it. Been thinking about a transformerectomy on this as well.
Re: Tape Op SM57 Mod

I've got a 57 that I put the foam windscreen on and it sounds more neutral as well. I've used it on sax and male vocals and liked it. Been thinking about a transformerectomy on this as well.

Why not just buy a mic you like? A large part of what make a 57 a 57 is the transformer. The transformer is also 100% of the protection from phantom power.

Re: Tape Op SM57 Mod

Yes I could have bought a mic I like, but I had a spare 57, I now have a KILLER snare mic that is small.........And it cost me nothing.

Re: Tape Op SM57 Mod

Why not just buy a mic you like? A large part of what make a 57 a 57 is the transformer. The transformer is also 100% of the protection from phantom power.

Have plenty of 57s to find a dented up donor for this. Just another color in the toolbox. I use this mostly for recording. Although I did use it live for sax once. Can't really justify a $400 specialty mic that gets occasional use.