Feb 14, 2019
Santa Fe Springs, CA – February 2022… For those with an interest in Ufology (the investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), Producer/Presenter Cristina Gomez’s work is already well known. In addition to focusing on her BA in Business and Communication in college, she is a Producer and Presenter for The Debrief, a news media company, along with her own YouTube channel and podcast called Paradigm Shifts, which is syndicated and streamed globally by The ‘X’, KUNX Digital Broadcasting Talk Radio Network. Gomez started podcasting because she wanted to get firsthand answers from experts in the Ufology field, and central to all her work is the Mixcast 4 Podcast Station and TH-05 Headphones from TASCAM.
Cristina’s podcast and show called Shifting the Paradigm has two shows a week. On Shifting the Paradigm, she speaks to academics, former government officials, UFO researchers, enthusiasts, and witnesses—asking questions from a Gen Z perspective. The second show is...

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