Touring Guys........Lets discuss retainer

Steven Barnes

Feb 21, 2012
Hi All,

I don't know how common retainer are in the touring world.

Is there an industry standard for retainer rate? Something like 40-60% of week rate?

How did you go about calculating it? I have a number that I want/need to make a year, and have been working around that, but before I put anything down, I wanted to see what everyone else was doing.

Re: Touring Guys........Lets discuss retainer

I have been on retainer with two artists. For one, it was during an album cycle of touring, so we were only getting a week or two off between legs. I was doing the production advance as well so I really couldn't take any other work. For that I got 50%. The other time was for a long term client who was doing several tours in a year. For that I only got about 20%. That was more about hitting a salary amount for the year.

I hear stories of engineers being on 50% retainer for years and years, but I don't personally know anyone who has been able to get it.
Re: Touring Guys........Lets discuss retainer

During a touring cycle for a new release I have gotten 50%. The artist wanted everyone to have some down time between legs without having any money worries. Very sporting of them.
When I am "ön call" for one offs it has been 25%. For that they expect me to keep their scheduled dates free from conflicts and do some routine maintenance of their touring gear.
Re: Touring Guys........Lets discuss retainer

I was on it for several years but it might as well been full time employment. I was getting calls to help with all sorts of stuff that wasn't audio related... because I have skill sets that are beyond the fader. The good thing is that I worked out a deal to learn html through a community college and purchased the software on their time. Anyone need a website?