UK Installs

Joseph Adam

Sep 3, 2012
Cambridge, UK

I was wondering if I might be able to get some advice from you guys on the forum.

I co-ordinate the PA for a middle size church in Cambridge, UK, and we're looking to start a building project next year, which will involve at least some redoing of our fairly old and not great PA system (middle to low end speakers, that doesn't cover the room properly, with limited low end extension, in a not great acoustic). The building is a fairly typical, 100 yr old, high ceiling'd, reverberant UK anglican church, although its now used 'backwards', just to complicate matters.

I'd be looking for a contractor who is able to do an installation properly (model the room, advise on what might be done acoustics-wise, since we are remodelling the building anyway, and design a system that actually covers the seating....). I've got a pretty strong background in doing Live Sound with some local companies, but nothing in terms of acoustics modelling. I know enough to be dangerous... So while I could happily spec speakers and things, I'd like to find someone who is able to do things properly. So the question is whether anyone on the forums has any recommendations as to who I should speak to.
We have spoken (a few years ago, the building projects seem to take a long time to happen) to Wigwam, and we have an old quote from them, but I wasn't involved in getting it, and I'm not sure how much brains went in behind it. I've also heard some good thing about Sound Foundation, I know some people who have worked there over the years).

Secondly - and I aware that this is jumping forwards rather, since I want to get the acoustics and coverage side of thought about first, I've read a lot about on this forum and the PSW, about Danley and Fulcrum products which sound really interesting, but I'm not aware of anyone that uses them in the UK particularly.

Thanks for any help you can provide

Joe Adam
Re: UK Installs

Hi Joseph,

I'm a freelance Engineer based in London. I've worked with both of the companies you mention and with others. I've also overseen sound system specs for the UKs biggest churches and Christian events.

Feel free to get in touch if you'd like more information about prospective companies or strategies for a project like this. I'd rather not post my opinions on an open forum. I've PMed you my contact info.

