Re: User Names
I think Chris means that if you click on the ''User'' column heading, the forum will sort the results by that column. If you do that, you will see all the upper-case users, later followed by the lower-case users.
I am by no means a PHP wizard, but the relevant query is happening at htdocs/theme/default/finduser.php:269, and I believe this patch would provide the case-insensitive sorting behavior that Chris was expecting. Note that this already happens by default on MySQL, and some other SQL databases are either case-sensitive, or not, depending on the type of column or session parameters. So this appears to ''just work'' with FUDforum running against MySQL, yet yields the case-sensitive result with pgsql.
<div class="pre"><pre>jsw@guardian:~/src/FUDforum/FUDforum2go_win_v3.0.2+jsw/htdocs/theme/default$ diff finduser.php.orig finduser.php
< $c = uq(q_limit('SELECT /*!40000 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS */ flag_cc, flag_country, home_page, users_opt, alias, join_date, posted_msg_count, id, custom_color, last_visit FROM fud30_users WHERE '. $qry .' id>1 ORDER BY '. $ord,
> #JSW case-insensitive sort
> $c = uq(q_limit('SELECT /*!40000 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS */ flag_cc, flag_country, home_page, users_opt, alias, join_date, posted_msg_count, id, custom_color, last_visit, lower('. $ord .') AS _sort_column FROM fud30_users WHERE '. $qry .' id>1 ORDER BY _sort_column',
EDIT: Oops, forgot to remove the trailing . $ord Fixed.