Either one looks serviceable... I just rebuilt the carb in my old tired Poulon (pull on it) which I believe was a private label variation on a Husky design. Good old soldier again, ready to tear up some trees.
They both look like they have the modern anti-kick shock absorbers and modern safety features. Really old chain saws can tear you up even easier than modern ones, especially if you do something stupid... "hey watch this".
A few weeks ago when I tried to start mine, all my fuel lines disintegrated on the spot, and spoo pissed out of the bottom casing. That evil ethanol can trash fuel lines and even carb diaphragms.. Do not leave the funny gas sitting in your saw or mower over the winter... For you yankees same advice applies to leaving the spoo sitting in you snow blower over the summer.
PS: I like the husky name better too, but only because they made kick ass dirt bikes.