Wiki main page "problem"

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Remy G. Santerre

Jan 11, 2011
Quebec, Canada
I'm looking at the wiki growing with pleasure, but the main page worries me as it's growing very long.

I'm afraid at some point the number of links/categories on the main page will get so long as to become a turnoff to readers and future potential editors (adding stuff isn't worthwhile when your input gets lost among a ton of different topics/links on a single page).

The solution seems evident ; reorganize the page to better categorize content, add main sections and maybe format it with a table to make better use of the screen space to the right which is currently left empty due to the vertical layout of the links.

However, implementing it in a way that satisfies everybody and is somewhat future-proof requires some thought and a group discussion as to what everybody wants the wiki to become. This is not something that should be done on the spur of the moment by a single user, imposing his choices and/or risk being the target of the displeasure of the wiki users if he/she does it in an unpleasant/unplanned manner.

Anyone care to share thoughts/ideas/comments on the matter? How should it be done?
Re: Wiki main page "problem"

Doesn't look to be a serious issue to me. Right now there are too few articles to really institute organizational depth to the wiki. But in the future as it grows, it will become more clear that certain articles will go in catagories, and those catagories will become links to sub-pages. The Equipment Compendium is an obvious first choice for being it's own subpage. I think as long as it continues to grow organically without issues, that we shouldn't worry about it too much. Once we find ourselves with enough content that it's becoming difficult to find stuff, then we can worry about where to put it all. Until then we should focus our efforts on creating content...
Re: Wiki main page "problem"

Well, wikipedia opens with a search box, not a list of articles. I think section pages are the wY to go, when it gets there.

First step? A wiki page outlining a proposed structure.
Re: Wiki main page "problem"

Wikipedia has a front page but it's similar to the one on with some items of interest and links to the rest of the site. There is a category section that has articles divided by general topic. Like I was saying, those sections or topics for us wil be more clear as we get more content.

I'd suggest that we create a wiki about creating a wiki outlining the proposed structure ;)
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