Wireless Audio

Martin Liteon

Feb 22, 2014
I am more of a video guy, but recently I have been helping my kids with school plays. The school has some heavy demands for wireless microphones, so I was wondering if any of you have some recommendations for decent systems that are not too costly. Also what does 32 preset channels, with compatible groups of 8 channels mean? I really appreciate the help.
Re: Wireless Audio

I can't help with what to by but 32 channels in 4 blocks of 8 compatible channels means that while there are 32 channels some of them will be too close to other frequencies and will interfere. The blocks of 8 channels are 8 frequencies that are far enough apart not to interfere with each other. Having 32 channels rather than just the 8 that work together provides compatibility when using other systems that use different frequencies to what's available in one group of 8.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625
Re: Wireless Audio

I am more of a video guy, but recently I have been helping my kids with school plays. The school has some heavy demands for wireless microphones, so I was wondering if any of you have some recommendations for decent systems that are not too costly. Also what does 32 preset channels, with compatible groups of 8 channels mean? I really appreciate the help.

Most newer wireless systems have pre configured groups of frequencies / channels. There maybe say eight preset groups available in a systems operating frequency range. The channels within the groups are pre set not to interfere with each other. Generally you need to operate the mic system all within the same group per frequency operating range to get the best performance, keep in mind you may not be able to use all the channels in a pre set group due to local frequency conflicts. Most wireless systems today have decent built in frequency/channel scanning functions to pick the best open channel per unit. Scanning for open frequencies in a larger system of maybe 16 mics is a methodical task and even more so when there are various makes and models of system involved. When systems get crazy big you need some real frequency programing and analysis software and someone to tend to it.

Doing a simple on line frequency look up for your area only tells you what TV stations are operating in that given area to stay clear of not local RF usage that maybe a bigger issue.

How many wireless mics/systems do they need, how many and what kind do they have now.
Re: Wireless Audio

I am more of a video guy, but recently I have been helping my kids with school plays. The school has some heavy demands for wireless microphones, so I was wondering if any of you have some recommendations for decent systems that are not too costly. Also what does 32 preset channels, with compatible groups of 8 channels mean? I really appreciate the help.

Hey Martin,

This has been coming up a lot recently. Here's an old thread on budget wireless gear. Hope that helps.
Re: Wireless Audio

Hey Martin,

This has been coming up a lot recently. Here's an old thread on budget wireless gear. Hope that helps.

Just for those of you who might be wondering: most schools do their musicals and bigger shows in the spring rather than the fall, as it gives them more time to build their departments and establish what the director will have to work with department wise. This means that the shows which will have more intensive wireless microphone usage will be in the spring.