Yorkville UCS1p

Re: Yorkville UCS1p

Well guys, here's an update;

Today, I went to my dealers' "annual inventory sale", hoping to hear the TX9s' that he promised he'd have on hand, and also, to audition a pair of UCS1p's. Well, he didn't have the TX9s, so that was out,,, and he only had a single UCS1p,,,, so THAT was out. He had four of the new PSA dual 12" subs, which had a pretty decent punch for their size, but, not what I was looking for. Then came the BIG surprise.

He had a pair of LS801p's sitting there, so just for kicks I said, "fire them up". Well, THAT was impressive to say the least. Man, those things put out for their size.

I left the store empty handed, but thought about those LS801p's all the way home, and by the time I got home, I decided to call the dealer back, and said "I'll take 'em". I really had not expected I'd "go there". I'm gonna give these subs a whirl, for the next little while, and see what kind of versatility I can coax out of them.

Thanks again for all your help. I'm still looking forward to auditioning the TX9's, but that may be a while. I have yet to see one in-the-flesh.