
FOH Magazine Smaart Training Giveaway Winner Announced

[ATTACH=CONFIG]194508.vB5-legacyid=1286[/ATTACH]FOH Magazine and SoundForums.Net are pleased to announce the winner of their [URL=””]Smaart[/URL] training giveaway contest. Longtime forum contributor [URL=””]Jay Barracato[/URL] has won two days of training using the popular acoustic measurement software following this year’s [URL=””]Sound Forums Network Expo[/URL] May 18-19 in Westminster, MA. Jay and others will be learning how to measure loudspeakers from the ground up from Rational head trainer Jamie Anderson. There are still seats in this class available, to sign up just follow this link: [url][/url] There is a $50 discount for Expo attendees.

The contest was run using the RANDOM.ORG Third Party Draw Service. All names were entered exactly as they appeared in [URL=””]this thread[/URL] at the time. You can verify your entry by [URL=”″]clicking here[/URL].