Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Grouping what I have by category

Keep in mind I'm Jr Varsity.

Live Vocal Mics

1 x Heil PR35

4 x Audix OM7

3 x Audix OM6

3 x Heil PR20


1 x Heil PR40

1 x Audix D6

2 x Shure SM57

1 x Heil PR20

5 x Beyer Opus 88

2 x Shure SM27 (formerly KSM27)

1 x A/T AT2020

1 x A/T AT3525

Bass Gtr

JDI and sometimes blended with Heil PR40 if it's not on kick

Guitar Amps


Heil PR20

A/T AT3525

Other stuff

I have a couple JDI's for the important stuff and misc others for everything else.

I have lots of other cheap dynamic mics for combat audio, and easy access to a large mic kit full of all of the ''usual'' suspects when I need it. That's why I own very little Shure and Sennheiser stuff.

I also have more mics in my studio, but I try not to take these out on live gigs unless I absolutely have to.

My FAV's of the bunch are:

Heil PR40 - great on lots of stuff, esp low end stuff

Heil PR35 - fantastic ''star'' vocal mic

Beyer Opus 88 - great drum mic

Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

I have a small BE collection, consisting of:

1x ATM250DE - kick drum, guitar amps

3x ATM350 - toms, snare bottom

2x ATM450 - overheads, high hat, grand piano

2x ATM4081 - high hat, guitar amps, grand piano

5x D66 - snare top, guitar amps, talkback, intercom

1x MD421 - bass guitar amp, trumpet

6x Invotone C610 - misc SDC, when I run out...

1x AKG C3000 - some guitars, grand piano lows, when I don't get a 414

1x AT5400 - vocals

DI-Boxes, AdT

2x HQ, mono - bass guitar, guitars

2x ISO, stereo - keyboards, zoning output trouble

1x MuTTI (stereo) - laptop(s)

This is to be upgraded here and there (as usual). Especially some good active DIs and some special vocal mics are on the list, things I don't usually get locally.

My favorites are the 4081 (great on high hat when the drummer can play it) and the 5400 (great on a particular voice, she got one as well after trying the usual suspects).
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Beta 52/ SM91 - Kick

Sm57 - Snare Top

Beta57 - Snare BTM

Senn e904 - Rack Toms

Senn 421 - Floor Toms

KSM 137 - Hat/Ride

AKG 414 - OH

Radial JDI or J48 on all direct ins.

RedBox/ Senn e906 - GTR's

KSM 32 - GTR's

Senn e935 - Vocals

Beta 58 - Vocals
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

I still don't own gear so I'll just go down the actual input list, per usual. We have at least one spare for every mic type we carry and in the case of the lavs we probably carry at least 40 spare DPA 4061s in usable condition.

I think I'm on a new show since the last time we did this. If not, I know I'm on a different site. Cheers, all.

Actors - 24 x DPA 4061 w/ Sennheiser 5212 transmitters


Kick - Shure Beta 52

Kick - Yamaha Subkick

Snare - Audix D2

Military Snare - Audix D2

Rack Toms - 2 x Audix D2

Floor Tom - Audix D4

Hats - Neumann KM 184

Guiro - Neumann KM 184

Timbale - Shure SM57

Drum Toys - DPA 4011

Overhead - 2 x DPA 4021

Elec Drums - BSS AR-133


Conga Hi - Neumann KM 184

Conga Lo - Neumann KM 184

Bongos - Neumann KM 184

Timbales - SM57

Perc Toys - Neumann KM 184

OH - DPA 4011

Serdo - Audix D4

Djembe - Neumann KM 184

Cajon - Shure SM57

Perc Lav - DPA 4061 w/ Sennheiser 5212 Transmitter

Mallet Kat - BSS AR-133


Trumpet - DPA 4006

Trombone - DPA 4006

Reed Hi - DPA 4021

Reed Lo - DPA 4011

Bari Sax - DPA 4099

Keys 1 - 2 x BSS AR-133

Keys 2 - 2 x BSS AR-133

Keys FX - BSS AR-133

Electric Guitar - Senneiser e609

Acoustic Guitar - AKG 414

Acoustic DI - BSS AR-133

Bass - BSS AR-133

Conductor VOG (to Aviom) - DPA 4088

Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

I don't really have a ''mic box'' per say since I don't work with bands (theatre only) but here is what I have in my closet:















PRO 46























I think my favorite new toy is the Heil PR22. It just sounds so nice on vocals. I am working on a show with a pit chorus right now and I love it for that. Other than that, I don't really have a favorite; each mic has its time and place and I think they mostly do a pretty good job when I use them in applications that they are good for. I can't really compare an E6 and an SM57 obviously.
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

All 57s, all the time.

Excellent... I have a video around here somewhere of David Gray playing live @ The Point in Dublin... and it appears that every mic on the stage is a Beta 57... and it sounds fucking GREAT!!

Grampa showing his age here again.

Many of the shows in the late 60s at the Fillmore West sounded pretty good for the time.

EVERY microphone on stage including drum overheads except ONE was a Shure SM56.

The only difference is that the ones used for vocals had foam windscreeens.

The exception was the EV 676 used on the bass drums.

Given that those big Altec Horn loaded 15 inch bass/mid boxes didn't have any real ''sub bass'' by today's standards and the multicell hf horns started rolling off above 8 kHz the SM56 probably had as much frequency range as the rest of the system.
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

I've got a lot of standard stuff, but here's some newer stuff I started using last year:

Cascade Fathead II - guitars

Heil PR30 - Leslie's, overheads, guitars

Heil RC35 UHF-r replacement capsule - vocals

I'm liking the Heil stuff a lot. Sounds great and won't break the bank. THe PR30/31/35 is pretty flexible on a lot of different stuff, and I'm also liking the really tight pickup pattern. I am finding myself using these anywhere I had been using KSM44's in the past.

I also had my hands on the Sennheiser e965 vocal mic last year, and that sounded great, too.

Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Not that this venue was know for particularly good sound, but last time I did a gig at C.B.G.B.s before they closed, all off the instrument mics were Beta57s. Except for a Beta52 on kick and vocal mics were SM58s. This was in 2002 I believe, I was 16 and I was really impressed because these were high dollar mics compared to my $30 Samson mics. Fast forward a few years....I no longer own any Samson mics.
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

checkcheck - onetwo - check - i hope this works



















M69 TG











421 ''Gold Edition''

431 (ProfiPower)



e865 ''Sting Edition''






<u>DI boxes:</u>


BSS AR-113 / AR-133

KlarkTeknik DN100

XTA MS400/800

I didn't list any wireless, cause this changes depending on the project.

This is to be upgraded here and there (as usual). Especially some good active DIs and some special vocal mics are on the list, things I don't usually get locally.

Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Beta 98-7

Beta 58-1

Beta 52-2

SM 81-3

Senn 835-6

Senn 935-2

Senn 431-2

Senn 421-4

MXL 603-4

EV 967-3

AT 4030-1

AT 3035-1

AT pro 35-2

Countryman Isomax-1

SM 57-6

My favorite is probably the Senn 431's but I'm picking up some Heil PR35's soon. I think they will probably become my new favorite.
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Not gonna list all I have but a few standouts.

D6 is my go to kick outside mic...SM91 inside.

Shure KSM 32's for anything that I want to sound like the source.

I have been using Heil PR22's on a cab grabber for a lot of guitars and most keyboard combo amp setups with very good results..IMO. Also for snare or Telefunken M80.

vocals...Tele M80 is good on many voices...really clear and present...also using Ev PL80a's on backups with pretty good results...or Heil PR35 if the setup allows.

I do a bit of live recording and a recent big band recording with a sax soloist was highlighted by the solo mic...Heil PR35. My roommate....trumpet player/horn arranger guy was amazed at the natural yet up front detail of the sax performance.


Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Our mic locker has literally several hundred mics and DIs consisting of most of the usual suspects, as well as plenty of esoteric stuff from Earthworks, Telfunken, and Nuemann.

I have rid myself of every non- Radial DI, with the exception of a couple T85s I keep around for the folkies that insist on them, though that request rate gets lower every day, and a couple of other artist specific odds and ends. (sansamp, etc)

I don't foresee the SM57 changing as my favorite all around mic any time soon. Though it's seldom the ''just right'' mic, it is NEVER the wrong mic.

In the interest of content and context, the act that I tour withs input and mic list, we usually carry the mics:

1 K- D6

2 ST- 57

3 HH- 81

4 R- D2

5 Open

6 F- D4

7 Open

8 OHSR- 414

9 OHSL- 414

10 BDi- Sansamp

11 Bm- PR40

12 Gtr SR-PR30

13 Aco SR- J48

14 Gtr SL- PR30

15 Aco SL- LR Baggs

16 US Aco- J48

17 Harp- 609

18 LezL- 57

19 LezR- 57

20 Lezlow- B91

21,22Piano L+R- stereo JDI

23,24Keys L+R- stereo JDI

25 Bari- 421

26 Bone- 58

27 Pet- 57

28 Tenor- B57

29 Tenor RF- AMT

30 Organ Vox- 58

31 Key Vox- 58

32 SR Gtr Vox- 58

33 Bass Vox- 58

34 SL Gtr Vox- 58

35 $$$ Vox- M80

36 Spare Vox- M80

37 Guest Vox/DS horn solo- 58

38 Guest DI- J48

39 Guest gtr- 57

40 Guest horn- 57

Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Kick-E902 or Beta52



Hat and OH-KSM 109

Guitar amps-E904


Vocals wired-E935

Vocals wireless-E865

Headset-DPA4088 speach only
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Kick in - 91

Kick out - D6

Snt - Beta 57

Snb - Ev ND967

HH - Haven't gotten a decent one yet :/ Picking up an 81 hopefully soon.

Toms - Beyer Opus87/D2/D4

OH - Same as HH :/

Bass - D2/Di

Gtr - 609/57

Vocals - (3)Om2's, (3)935's, (2)beta 57's, (3)sm58's.

And of course, my talk back - Pg48 that has been to hell and back. Oh, it has an on/off switch as well. I only use the finest of the Pg series

If anyone is selling an 81, Let me know!

Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Kick in - 91

Kick out - D6

Snt - Beta 57

Snb - Ev ND967

HH - Haven't gotten a decent one yet :/ Picking up an 81 hopefully soon.

Toms - Beyer Opus87/D2/D4

OH - Same as HH :/

Bass - D2/Di

Gtr - 609/57

Vocals - (3)Om2's, (3)935's, (2)beta 57's, (3)sm58's.

And of course, my talk back - Pg48 that has been to hell and back. Oh, it has an on/off switch as well. I only use the finest of the Pg series

If anyone is selling an 81, Let me know!


AKG C535 is a more versatile and less expensive (and better sounding IMO) option, might want to check it out
Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite?

Kick in - 91

Kick out - D6

Snt - Beta 57

Snb - Ev ND967

HH - Haven't gotten a decent one yet :/ Picking up an 81 hopefully soon.

Toms - Beyer Opus87/D2/D4

OH - Same as HH :/

Bass - D2/Di

Gtr - 609/57

Vocals - (3)Om2's, (3)935's, (2)beta 57's, (3)sm58's.

And of course, my talk back - Pg48 that has been to hell and back. Oh, it has an on/off switch as well. I only use the finest of the Pg series

If anyone is selling an 81, Let me know!


AKG C535 is a more versatile and less expensive (and better sounding IMO) option, might want to check it out


There are many less expensive condensers that sound much better than an SM81.