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  1. Michael John

    EAW VR21 and VRS12 DSP Settings

    Re: EAW VR21 and VRS12 DSP Settings Here's a low-pass filter example at fo=200 Hz. The plots show the magnitude, phase and group delay for 4th order Butterworth, Bessel and Linkwitz/Riley filters. Butterworth gives the flattest magnitude response in the passband. Bessel gives the flattest...
  2. Michael John

    Multiple 01V96's w Studio Manager on MAC

    Hi, I'm trying to use Studio Manager on a Mac to talk to two 01V96's with little to no success. - Each 01V96 is set to a different port and ID (e.g. USB1-1 and USB2-2) - Studio manager preferences have ports 1 and 2 enabled - I have two instances of the 01V96 editor: one set for Port 1 ID 1 and...
  3. Michael John

    Yamaha 01V96 Cascade with MY16-AUD cards

    Hi, I'm setting up a pair of Yamaha 01V96 consoles to run in Cascade. The example setup in the manual uses ADAT connections - both on board and on ADAT slot cards - to move AUXs, BUSs, the stereo BUS and solo signals from the slave to the master console. The slave (transmitting) console becomes...
  4. Michael John

    Testing microphones

    Hi, I'd like to make a box for testing microphones. Not something accurate enough for absolute measurements but something good for measuring changes over time and detecting damage. Has anyone done this before? Any tips? I'm thinking of a box about 1 foot square and about 4 feet long lined with...
  5. Michael John

    Lexicon MX200 weird behaviour

    I recently bought a Lexicon MX200 to use outboard, over S/PDIF, with my 01v96. The unit worked fine at home but at its first gig, the main user program digital display kept flashing random numbers. I couldn't change the program nor set any other parameters. (Other LED's were flashing too.) I...
  6. Michael John

    FOH Combination

    I did sound for a youth event last night and it was the first chance I'd had to try some Clair R4's I acquired earlier in the year. Steve Anderson (from WaveSoup) provided a pair of Danley TH115's for subs. The combination was complete overkill but good fun and a chance to try various tunings on...
  7. Michael John

    Q to (Lake) Bandwidth converter

    The difference in DSP processor's interpretation of Q and bandwidth has frequently been raised. (I think Bennett wrote an article on this some time back.) Attached is a spreadsheet (written in the Dolby Lake days) for converting Q into the BW (bandwidth) value for biquad-based parametric...
  8. Michael John

    Out of band filters in speaker DSP presets

    Hi, I've been looking over 3-way DSP presets for some high end touring products and occasionally I notice odd out-of-band filters. For example in one preset, the mid range channel has a narrow boost of about 6 dB at a frequency that's at least 1 octave lower than the low-mid crossover frequency...
  9. Michael John

    Sennheiser XS Wireless

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience with the Sennheiser XS wireless series? I've heard that they might be Evolution G2 designs but manufactured more cheaply - less metal, more plastic, lower tolerances, etc.... Are they interchangeable with Evolution G2 and G3 systems? Cheers, Michael
  10. Michael John

    Power amplifier sensitivity question....

    Hi, I've been looking at various power amplifier specs and I'm wondering why amp manufacturers quote really large maximum input levels? Here's an example using manufacturer supplied numbers for a QSC PL325: The rated input sensitivity is 1.2 Vrms (approximately +4 dBu). The rated amp gain is...
  11. Michael John

    EP8 Connectors

    Does anyone know where I can buy Amphenol EP-8 female plugs online in the USA? Thanks, Michael
  12. Michael John

    Aren't we better than this?

    Yesterday I received an email from DiGiCo's distributor in Australia, Group Technologies which I felt was pretty disappointing. The email was an add for the DiGiCo SD9 and featured a picture of a girl with extremely large and barely clad "assets" standing over a SD9 and holding a pair of...
  13. Michael John

    Suggestions for flying big cabinets

    Hi, I regularly do outdoor events where I fly 4 x ~25kg cabinets at about 4 to 5 metres high using rented truss spanned between a rented pair of VMB Towerlifts. I just purchased a pair of Clair R4 mark III's and at 122kg (268 lbs) each, they're a significant jump in weight. I've calculated...
  14. Michael John

    EAW VR21 and VRS12 DSP Settings

    For anyone who's interested, I thought I'd share the DSP settings I've created for the EAW VR series speakers that I use. These cabinets were the best I could afford a few years back and when I got access to Lake processing (for reasons I won't go into here), I figured I'd bi-amp the VR21's to...
  15. Michael John

    Login to Wiki?

    Sorry for naive question. How do I log in to the Wiki so that I can change/upload content? I've tried my forum name, email address and password but to no avail. Best, Michael
  16. Michael John

    Reference books on electroacoustics?

    Just wondering if anyone has a favourite reference book on electroacoustics? Ideally with solid sections on loudspeakers and mapping driver parameters into enclosure designs. Something like a university textbook, not a cookbook. (The more I dabble in building loudspeaker enclosures, the more I...
  17. Michael John

    Coaxial Wedge Collaboration

    Re: Coaxial Wedge Collaboration Last night I did sound for a former Australian Idol finalist and her band. I gave her this (BMS based) wedge and the other band members got four JBL MRX512M's. (All monitors were on Lake Contour processors - HPF and limiters - and QSC PLX2 series amps.) Her mix...
  18. Michael John

    Yamaha LS-9 LCD screen polarization

    Hi, I've used LS9's a few times outdoors now and I keep getting caught out by the screen polarizaton. It's at 90 degrees to LCD's on most other devices and therefore looks off or blank when I wear polarized sun glasses. Has anyone else found this? Most of the time I wear Maui Jim's. This seems...
  19. Michael John

    Yamaha MY16-AUD and Dante remote mic preamps

    Hi, I have a Yamaha MY16-AUD card in my mixer and I'm looking for Dante capable remote mic preamps for live use. I've seen the Focusrite Rednet gear, but (as far as i'm aware) the preamp control doesn't link in with the Yamaha head amp control from the LS9 and above. The Focusrite booth staff...
  20. Michael John

    Yamaha 01v96 cascade link with LS9?

    Hi, Has anyone tried, or does anyone know, if "cascade link" works between an 01v96 and a LS9? The user guides for both products only talk about "cascade link" between identical products. I know it's possible to set routing between the two different boards but I'm interested in linking some...