A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

Makes you wonder why they go through all the trouble to design a nice digital board, then handicap the software so badly it's useless.

BS/sour grapes.

Faulting a useful piece of kit because it doesn't conform to your personal criteria is specious to say the least. Such a feature is totally outside of the design parameters of the "digi-Wiz" and is not amenable to a simple "add-on", but would require a total re-design resulting in something akin to the GLD...which already exists should you absolutely require said feature.

Quit yer bitchin'.
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

BS/sour grapes.

Faulting a useful piece of kit because it doesn't conform to your personal criteria is specious to say the least. Such a feature is totally outside of the design parameters of the "digi-Wiz" and is not amenable to a simple "add-on", but would require a total re-design resulting in something akin to the GLD...which already exists should you absolutely require said feature.

Quit yer bitchin'.

Dick has hit a big nail on the head here-people complain about features or lack thereof on a product that is not in the same league as the missing feature. It doesn't make sense. IN the case of the QU series and similar especially.

In defense of the QU series, I have found it to be the best of this class of digital mixers. What you get for the investment is very good indeed.

Best regards,

Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

Dick has hit a big nail on the head here-people complain about features or lack thereof on a product that is not in the same league as the missing feature. It doesn't make sense. IN the case of the QU series and similar especially.

In defense of the QU series, I have found it to be the best of this class of digital mixers. What you get for the investment is very good indeed.

Best regards,


I'm with Silas on this one, although not so far as to call it useless. AFAIK of all the boards in that price range, only two of them lack that particular feature.
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

I'm with Silas on this one, although not so far as to call it useless. AFAIK of all the boards in that price range, only two of them lack that particular feature.

Then it's pick and choose. the A&H has multitrack recording capacity built in, which I think is a first in the range. Perhaps A&H will offer the multi preamp assignment feature in a firmware upgrade next round.

Best regards,

Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

Makes you wonder why they go through all the trouble to design a nice digital board, then handicap the software so badly it's useless.

The Qu is one of the easiest digital boards to use that you that you can buy. It’s a perfect replacement for the mixwiz and GL2200.

As you add more features it becomes more complex to use, which starts to defeat the simplicity of the interface and the particular market Allen and Heath seem to be aiming for. If you need more features buy a GLD or an X32: but they are not as easy to use.

There will always be … I wish it had one more feature, even if you have a Midas ProX or Digico SD7 etc.

If you want the same signal in two channels on a Qu just use an old fashion “Y” cord.

For what it is, the Qu is an excellent little console ...definitely not "useless"
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Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

In defense of the QU series, I have found it to be the best of this class of digital mixers. What you get for the investment is very good indeed.

And what exactly makes it "best of this class of digital mixers"? It seems to be a decent board but how did you determine that it is the best in a field filled with good choices?
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

Routing is one of the hardest things to learn with many digital boards. By having it fixed, they make routing confusion a non issue
You could call it a feature (non-confusing routing!) I like being able to re-route channels, but it's not a deal breaker.

What is a deal breaker to me is the lack of ability to communicate w/multiple iPads and/or iPhones that run separate monitor mixes w/FOH lockout

Still waiting for a reputable company to make a reliable board with that feature
(Reliable removes Presonus from my consideration and reputable removes Behringer)
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

Routing is one of the hardest things to learn with many digital boards. By having it fixed, they make routing confusion a non issue
You could call it a feature (non-confusing routing!) I like being able to re-route channels, but it's not a deal breaker.

What is a deal breaker to me is the lack of ability to communicate w/multiple iPads and/or iPhones that run separate monitor mixes w/FOH lockout

Still waiting for a reputable company to make a reliable board with that feature
(Reliable removes Presonus from my consideration and reputable removes Behringer)

Flexible routing and multiple iPad control, along with multi-patching head amps, are available in A&H's next series up, the GLD. If you want features more commonly found in $10k+ consoles, maybe you need to actually spend that kind of money.
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

As I said, I don't have to have flexible routing. I'm looking for a 2nd board to handle bar bands that use IEM's.
After using the StudioLive mixiers, they all want to mix their own ears and won't hire without that functionality.
(meaning multiple iPad iPOD support w/FOH lockout)

Studiolive has it at under 2 grand.
X32 by Voldemort has it. Don't know what they cost, but it's not uber $
Mackie DL1608 has it at a list price of $999.

So it's not a "only the expensive boards have it", feature. It's a "we listen to our clients" feature.
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

They break. Something in the power supplies goes poof and they don't power up.
(There's something that messes up with faders , but it's not a gig ender)
I can, off the top of my head, think of 10 local people who have had to return their SL for service. 5 of them have had tits up gig ending failures
2 of those 5 went through 3 boards (ea) before giving up.

(I also know people with hundreds of gigs and no problems, but I'm not rolling the dice)
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

They break. Something in the power supplies goes poof and they don't power up.
(There's something that messes up with faders , but it's not a gig ender)
I can, off the top of my head, think of 10 local people who have had to return their SL for service. 5 of them have had tits up gig ending failures
2 of those 5 went through 3 boards (ea) before giving up.

(I also know people with hundreds of gigs and no problems, but I'm not rolling the dice)


But they'll be a lot better if you ventilate them properly to avoid power supply failure and replace all the faders with better quality as Mike Diack does/has done. Of course this should all have been done by Presonus in the first place...

Too bad as the over-all feature set is pretty nice for DIY sound.
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

The studio live was originally "amazing" feature wise. Now it's "just barely enough"
They are fine for a bar band, although I'm used to having "more more more" now, LOL!

I'll mix on one next week and it will sound fine.
Unless it breaks, but it's the venue's board so if it breaks, I don't get in trouble.
(They're on their 3rd board)
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

I always find it interesting when people use the argument that you don't need a specific feature since the job can be done without it.

There is some small merit to this line of discussion, but it is largely silly. If other mixers in the same price range and market have the feature and the said console doesn't have it, it is a negative no matter how you color it. The degree of the negative can be a point of discussion, but to say it doesn't matter is just not correct.

Having said that, IMHO, the Qu is neither "best in class" or "useless", but rather somewhere in between. The SL on the other hand is clearly the bottom of the class by any reasonable measure.

I strongly agree that more and more bands are going to demand multiple remote monitor control. Once you have had it, it is really difficult to go without.

I would be surprised if Qu didn't support this feature in a future release.
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

My need for multiple iphone monitor mixes w/FOH lockout is fairly significant.
I won't get hired without that feature, so for me, it's a big deal, LOL!

On future updates, I don't know. I asked Yamaha and they stated that one iPad is all their architecture will support.
Don't know about A & H. It's weird what the manufacturer sees as a priority over what the user sees as a priority.

I'd probably buy a QU if it gets multiple ipad/iphone mix capability before Soundcraft does.
Re: A&H QU Onboard Preamp Assignment

My need for multiple iphone monitor mixes w/FOH lockout is fairly significant.
I won't get hired without that feature, so for me, it's a big deal, LOL!

On future updates, I don't know. I asked Yamaha and they stated that one iPad is all their architecture will support.
Don't know about A & H. It's weird what the manufacturer sees as a priority over what the user sees as a priority.

I'd probably buy a QU if it gets multiple ipad/iphone mix capability before Soundcraft does.

Are you opposed to the X32? If not, it does everything you have been talking about quite well.