A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

As a single layer digital console, not having moving faders isn't an issue if you're not using scenes or remote mixing. i.e., you use it like you would use an analogue console. O.K, I can live with that. But the faders they used ARE complete crap. I never kept a SL long enough for the faders to actually fail, but just using one that's brand new feels like crap. Sad, because the rest of the buttons have a decent feel to them.

The fat channel concept is ok, but the labeling on the board can make it very confusing to know what you're looking at. Other boards do a better job segmenting out the features so finding the right knob is easier.

Something I REALLY hated about the board is the mains metering. The LED segments are in 5db increments. The result is very little meter movement, which just bugs me. The individual channel metering is a more typical layout, with non linear metering. Why the two are different is somewhat baffling to me.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Something I REALLY hated about the board is the mains metering. The LED segments are in 5db increments. The result is very little meter movement, which just bugs me. The individual channel metering is a more typical layout, with non linear metering. Why the two are different is somewhat baffling to me.
The metering at the top right section confused the hell out of me. The selected channel meter scale had nothing to do with the subgroup meters or the main meter. This is also true for the subgroups (that are physical outputs on the back!) meters scale compared to the main meter. :blush:
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

what about one of these?

digital mixer WITHOUT scenes, analogue style control only.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

The fat channel concept is ok, but the labeling on the board can make it very confusing to know what you're looking at. Other boards do a better job segmenting out the features so finding the right knob is easier.

The bolded text, in a nutshell, is my chief complaint with the UI.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

My console tier list goes something like this:

Small/mid scale analog consoles < LS9 < StudioLive < X32, QU16, etc< Real analog consoles with respectable outboard < anything digital that is M7CL or better.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

My console tier list goes something like this:

Small/mid scale analog consoles < LS9 < StudioLive < X32, QU16, etc< Real analog consoles with respectable outboard < anything digital that is M7CL or better.
Wow. No mention of the 01v96, and the LS9 at the BOTTOM of your preference list? Very interesting preference list.

Tim, Brian,
Your comment and second "The fat channel concept is ok, but the labeling on the board can make it very confusing to know what you're looking at. Other boards do a better job segmenting out the features so finding the right knob is easier."

I can see your point(s) - five minutes and it is no longer a big deal. But I'm not here to defend Presonus. Perception IS reality.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Lack of moving faders kept me away, despite having never owned a digital board. Adding the remote app and still no moving faders reinforced that decision. Doing a walk up on one at a very small all day throw and go with around fifteen bands cemented it. Fader locate? Ugh!

Best console out there? Hardly. Worst? Hardly.

Really not intending to be snotty or anything and giving proper due to Presonus for bring digital to the unwashed masses (for better or worse) but what would be the worst digital console out there?
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Lack of moving faders kept me away, despite having never owned a digital board. Adding the remote app and still no moving faders reinforced that decision. Doing a walk up on one at a very small all day throw and go with around fifteen bands cemented it. Fader locate? Ugh!

Really not intending to be snotty or anything and giving proper due to Presonus for bring digital to the unwashed masses (for better or worse) but what would be the worst digital console out there?

Mackie TT24…?
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

At some point when the market evolves to mixing only on IPADs or other soft interfaces, the moving faders issue will become moot. However by that point the mixing engine may be fully commiditized ( so really cheap). We are already headed that way.

Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Kindof funny, I run a forum for the DL1608 and the fact that it emulates flying faders confuses the heck out of newbees at first. I can well understand someone coming from a non-automated analog console finding themselves attracted to the SL.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway


Maybe among current digital offerings

-but throughout the whole of Pro Live Audio history there was surely far worse!

There was a small mixer from Alesis (IIRC) years ago that used appliance controls where the pots and sliders were printed on the PCB. I don't know if it was the worst ever, but it's on the short list.

Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Caution: venting. :)

I fucking hate the PreSonus Studiolive consoles. Why?

-The user interface blows. This damn console feels like a childs play toy. Like how dumbed down do manufactures have to make things these days? Stupid!
-The EQ sucks: +15, or -15. Don't hear a damn thing in between (plus the bar system for Q drives me nuts- musicians don't know what Q is anyway, why not make it something prettier)
-The dynamics SUCK(ok, the gate is usable): The compressor makes me want to kill babies. It sounds bad. Really bad. You slam it and it goes muushhhhh. But, really, there's no sweet spot. It blows.
-Flying faders or bust- what is this, 1999?
-Did I mention the user interface blows? "Look at all those pretty bars" said nobody ever.
-The efx makes me sad. Like, I'd cry if I needed them to actually do anything useful.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Musicians love it, sound guys hate it.

Give me: an x32, iLive, ***01v***, mix wizard, vi1, LS9, 1604, 1402, 1202 over this fucking thing!!!!! :evil:

Ugh. Done.

Thanks for playing along. Now go tell me how wrong I am and how much it'll grow on me. :razz:

Back to regularly scheduled programing.


+1, minus the F words. You nailed it, Evan. Everyone that knows me knows I'm not a gear snob, and less these days than ever. But I positively hate the planet that thing lives on. If I'm confronted with one (and after I let the employer know of my dissatisfaction), I refuse to use it without the iPad and its app.

Josh, I agree with your post as well. But I fell out of my chair at the last sentence. I thought the last word began with an L until I looked again. At first, I thought you had found a way to make the Presonus tolerable...:eek:))
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Take any comparably priced analog console, connect all your prized comps - and your monitor sends are all post compressor. This does not make me happy (unless I can split channels). With the SL this isn't a problem. The sweepable 6dB HPF is often more useful than a 12 or 18 that's fixed. I like the app better than I like the surface. The FX are as good as what a lot of folks would use with an affordable analog console.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

No recallable preamps, no moving faders, end of story for me. I waited for the X32 to be developed instead for an affordable digital option. As far as mixing it is a very easy and intuitive transition from analog EXCEPT the gain structure is not what you would expect. I really did like the fat channel concept when I first used it though and still do.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Ha! I bought Dick Rees' SL16, sold it a couple months later, bought the DL1608, sold it a couple months later, bought X-32, bought the X-32R, now ready to sell my X-32