A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

There was a small mixer from Alesis (IIRC) years ago that used appliance controls where the pots and sliders were printed on the PCB. I don't know if it was the worst ever, but it's on the short list.


Alesis 1622. Ironically they didn't sound half bad. But holy crap did they feel incredibly bad. Cheap doesn't come close to describing it. Weird weird weird design.

i remember one the sales pitch tricks they used was to dip the thing in water, let it dr dry, then crank it up and it worked fine. Cool? I guess.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway


I used to have Soundcraft Spirit Digital - wanted to get SL1604 for smaller size and more AUXes - stumbled over X32-discussion - got me X32 - got me X32R - now selling X32 to college here - now I am fine set for 22 input gigs - if ever anything bigger comes my way I just rent my old X32 ...
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Mackie TT24…?
I have to say that the tt24 is a great console to work on - When it works...

Did you know that some people who was working on the tt24 went to presonus and made the studiolive. Let's see, powersupply failure - Check, dsp board failure - Check, corrupt firmware - Check. Sounds like the studiolive was a perfect copy of the tt24.

At least the tt24 has flying faders.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Had and still have (but never use anymore) an old 24 input SAC system. The Studiolive was not enough of an improvement for the reasons I mentioned earlier to consider it when it came out. The thing about using recall or working with a remote is it is not really recall if the faders don't respond. It is better to not have ANY faders than to have ones that will confuse you. Also the one or two times every few shows someone sends a hot input to you mid show, not being able to access the preamps instantly if you are using the remote is a real inconvenience. The X32R is what I was trying to achieve with the SAC system and it costs much less and has more. It is interesting to note that I had multiple tablet remote control in a digital format that actually sounded good with SAC years before anyone else even considered it. Also it has built in multitrack recording. You just had to cobble it together, debug it now and then, hope the components you chose did not fail at an inopportune time, and never even think of using it for anything other than shows you would be mixing yourself.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

I​'m surpriced that presonus never made a rack version of the studiolives. They've had the technology for it for years...

what about the audiobox 1616vsl not really a rackmoyst studiolive but close

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Caution: venting. :)

I fucking hate the PreSonus Studiolive consoles. Why?

-The user interface blows. This damn console feels like a childs play toy. Like how dumbed down do manufactures have to make things these days? Stupid!
-The EQ sucks: +15, or -15. Don't hear a damn thing in between (plus the bar system for Q drives me nuts- musicians don't know what Q is anyway, why not make it something prettier)
-The dynamics SUCK(ok, the gate is usable): The compressor makes me want to kill babies. It sounds bad. Really bad. You slam it and it goes muushhhhh. But, really, there's no sweet spot. It blows.
-Flying faders or bust- what is this, 1999?
-Did I mention the user interface blows? "Look at all those pretty bars" said nobody ever.
-The efx makes me sad. Like, I'd cry if I needed them to actually do anything useful.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Musicians love it, sound guys hate it.

Give me: an x32, iLive, ***01v***, mix wizard, vi1, LS9, 1604, 1402, 1202 over this fucking thing!!!!! :evil:

Ugh. Done.

Thanks for playing along. Now go tell me how wrong I am and how much it'll grow on me. :razz:

Back to regularly scheduled programing.

I have 2 Sl 16.4.2's at my school that were put in with the install a couple years ago because they didn't want analogue and these were the most "user friendly" They work good. Just not for me. I actually do more then turn them on and push the fader up. (sorry. Guess I'm weird or something) Mixed a show on them once, turned the compressor on, and just decided to ride the fader instead. Everyone else I've talked to just seems to think I'm spoiled on Ls9's M7's and x32's that I use at work. Glad I'm not insane. They suck. You're not wrong at all. And for everyone who thinks their such a useful, clean console for the price, side to side test proved the X32 to be cheaper, cleaner sounding, much MUCH more useful, and in my opinion easier to use..... and I'm not gonna start with the efx problems....... Also if I could add to the fly faders problem (Sorry if this already got brought up, I didn't read all 45 comments :p) for everyone defending it with it originally being a cost problem years ago when it first came out, why wouldn't they include them in the AI's? I mean really, come on here.
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Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Josh, I agree with your post as well. But I fell out of my chair at the last sentence. I thought the last word began with an L until I looked again. At first, I thought you had found a way to make the Presonus tolerable...:eek:))
LoL!!! Well, Geri, in all honesty, it was on my birthday and that did also happen.

However, it did not make mixing on the console any better as the two were not really related.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway


Maybe among current digital offerings

-but throughout the whole of Pro Live Audio history there was surely far worse!

Craig, I would rather add all the digital ones and zeros by hand :lol:

I've never had a SL fail on me, so I cannot comment on reliability, they just are not very enjoyable to mix on. Give me a rack of inserts and an analog board (and a helper to move it), or give me a proper digital board and I'll be content.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

LoL!!! Well, Geri, in all honesty, it was on my birthday and that did also happen.

However, it did not make mixing on the console any better as the two were not really related.

It does this old heart good to hear that, Josh. On both counts!!

Talk soon, take care,
Geri O
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

what about the audiobox 1616vsl not really a rackmoyst studiolive but close
Did they fix the data format mismatch between the ADCs and the DSP yet? There was a bug/design flaw that prevented me from buying one: the most-significant bit from the ADC was interpreted as sign-bit by the DSP, causing a signal inversion when within 6dB of clipping... :)
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Did they fix the data format mismatch between the ADCs and the DSP yet? There was a bug/design flaw that prevented me from buying one: the most-significant bit from the ADC was interpreted as sign-bit by the DSP, causing a signal inversion when within 6dB of clipping... :)

That sounds like a pretty basic software audio signal formatting issue. Most CODECs support both ways (or more). Hard to imagine it would ever get out of the lab with format "set" wrong. Perhaps some part the needed to be initialized into the proper state and wasn't, so it accidentally worked OK, until later when it didn't. A slightly different part substituted for production could self-initialize differently, but again this "should" be trivial to fix in software, and hard to miss in QA.

Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Ha! I bought Dick Rees' SL16, sold it a couple months later, bought the DL1608, sold it a couple months later, bought X-32, bought the X-32R, now ready to sell my X-32

It's the ciiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrcle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife!
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Mine does a decent job, is paid for and does nothing but make money for me.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

Reading another post about another console's shortcomings, I have another thing to like about the Presonus boards/systems:
Multiple IPad support w/permissions and IPhone/IPod support for individual band member monitor mixing.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

While we're hating on digital consoles, I'm going to go ahead and hate on any digital console that uses a touchscreen. I've never been so frustrated in my life trying to poke buttons on a screen, when I can't see the screen because it's sunny out, or because the screen calibration is off it takes me 15 tries to click the button. There's absolutely no way to develop any sort of muscle memory with a touchscreen, or to mix by feel at all. I want buttons. Lots of buttons. That I know I can press in an exact order as fast as I want to get something done.
Re: A Rant, that most of you will probably disagree with anyway

While we're hating on digital consoles, I'm going to go ahead and hate on any digital console that uses a touchscreen. I've never been so frustrated in my life trying to poke buttons on a screen, when I can't see the screen because it's sunny out, or because the screen calibration is off it takes me 15 tries to click the button. There's absolutely no way to develop any sort of muscle memory with a touchscreen, or to mix by feel at all. I want buttons. Lots of buttons. That I know I can press in an exact order as fast as I want to get something done.

I fight with touchscreens at the ATM, at the grocery store, at the gas station, on the forums on my phone, and on my iPad.

Sure, why wouldn't I want that to be my primary way of mixing (deep sarcasm).

Yes I have done plenty of shows with a presonus side stage and me sitting in the audience with the iPad, but once my gain structure is set I rarely touch anything other than effects which are actually one of the functions easier to control on the iPad than the mixer.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD