DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

Yes, I know. Its Behringer. :blush:

But for the month and a half that I've used it the DDX has done just a good of a job as the StudioLive that I also use from time to time. But, in order to get just 8 channels more from the built in 16 channels on the DDX you have to buy over 600 dollars worth of equipment (again, thats per 8 channels, and its behringer equipment you have to buy, so i highly doubt its high quality equipment in the first place on the ADA8000 and the ADAT Card). and if you want to keep it organized nicely you have to buy another 200 worth of equipment at least. And yes the SL is 3,600 total, but it also has about 6 more aux outs and a set of control room outs allowing for more monitors and other things, and thats before expanding to more outs. Another thing is, I love the "effects&eq" panel in the middle of the SL (where the EQ, Comp, etc is)

Any input? If someone can find a much cheaper solution for expanding monitors on the ddx, while at the same time staying under the price of about 600 per 8 channels then I'm going to go with that. If not. What are the upsides of switching to an SL 24.4.2 from a DDX? what more will I gain besides the obvious more outs, etc.

ALSO, if theres a way to expand more outs on the SL, (after the already enough 10) what is it? I have yet to find one.

Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

ALSO, if theres a way to expand more outs on the SL, (after the already enough 10) what is it? I have yet to find one.


There are several options I can think of, depending on what you want to do. What purposes would you need more outs for?
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

What purposes would you need more outs for?

Usually when I'm doing sound for school concerts etc, they demand a large amount of monitors and aux outs. And its televised by our local tv stations, usually they use up to 6 aux outs (two per station, and then the schools local tv program) . And the school would also want 6 monitors. (they need two monitors for each areas they perform in. And then lastly the band when they play the background tracks want 4 monitors. and each of the 16 outs have to be mixed differently based on their needs. (even though yes its just a school concert) so its not like I could daisy chain a bunch of monitors together. and run off of the 10 available.
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

Usually when I'm doing sound for school concerts etc, they demand a large amount of monitors and aux outs. And its televised by our local tv stations, usually they use up to 6 aux outs (two per station, and then the schools local tv program) . And the school would also want 6 monitors. (they need two monitors for each areas they perform in. And then lastly the band when they play the background tracks want 4 monitors. and each of the 16 outs have to be mixed differently based on their needs. (even though yes its just a school concert) so its not like I could daisy chain a bunch of monitors together. and run off of the 10 available.

It sounds like your client wants far more than they are paying for.
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

And its televised by our local tv stations, usually they use up to 6 aux outs (two per station, and then the schools local tv program) .

You're giving each press feed their own stereo mix? Any reason you haven't considered a press box/splitter to deal with these? It would free up 4 mixes (5 if you drop to mono, which is probably a good idea anyway).
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

Tim - I know, But its my high school, so I cut them some slack. Haha.

And Rob, I've yet to think of that! Thanks! I'll probably use that from now on for the television stations.

But there have been occasions where we have needed more than 10 monitors. (for example when the school does "battle of the bands" and has about 3 bands going at once. each using 4-5 monitors. (or needing them for that matter) It's come to the point where when I was using the SL that I had something like a 4 channel line mixer (each microphone going into one) and then I used the stereo outs through a DI and then to the SL, just so they could have their monitors. Its come to be a pain.
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2


Easiest thing to do is get a splitter and a monitor desk. Run all the monitor mixes from the second desk and use the SLive for the live sound and all the media feeds.

Don't let them make you work short of gear. Let them know that you're willing to fight the good fight for the old school, but that they have to match your commitment by giving you the resources to do the job correctly.

Otherwise let them try to find someone else who's as nice a fellow as you who doesn't mind taking the hit out of his pocket.

Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

I see what you mean,

But were still back at the original question.

Should I stick with the DDX or ditch it for the SL 24.4.2?

Granted the DDX has a nice parametric EQ but, the studiolive has 6 monitor outs over the DDX and alot more effects, and another 8 built in channels over the DDX. all XLR with the option of 1/4 or line inputs. as opposed to the ddx with 12 xlr and two stereo 1/4 inches.

Any input on what I should do? (In aspect of switching from the DDX to the SL)
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

It sounds like your mind is made up.

Out of curiosity, how do you have more than 10 monitors for a battle of the bands?
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

I was hoping for a valid excuse to buy a Studio Live. Or a valid reason not too. Ive heard some amazing things about them, but then again, I've also heard these horror storys about them.

and at their battle of the bands, they have 3 bands playing right after another, meaning 3 bands on stage at once. (they go in groups of 3 until they reach the final 3 etc etc, they have it setup oddly.) and I use on average 4-5 monitors per band. (Bass, Singer(s), Guitar, Drums, and the occasional keys)
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

Set up a pair of side-wash vocal monitors on tripods at head height. Run all vocals for all bands through these. That'll simplify the monitor situation a bit.
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

Set up a pair of side-wash vocal monitors on tripods at head height. Run all vocals for all bands through these. That'll simplify the monitor situation a bit.

Thanks Again!

These are all great ideas. By doing this and the splitter for the press feeds I think I may have enough for instrument monitors to have their own mix.

As for the XLR Splitter you mentioned before, what are some brands you recommend?
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

I was hoping for a valid excuse to buy a Studio Live. Or a valid reason not too. Ive heard some amazing things about them, but then again, I've also heard these horror storys about them.

and at their battle of the bands, they have 3 bands playing right after another, meaning 3 bands on stage at once. (they go in groups of 3 until they reach the final 3 etc etc, they have it setup oddly.) and I use on average 4-5 monitors per band. (Bass, Singer(s), Guitar, Drums, and the occasional keys)

3 bands playing at the same time? It must be one helluva mess. I'd use a house kit have the Amps lined up, run 5 basic mixes and let them go at it.

I love my SL24.4.2 great for mixing, replaces a buncha gear, I've been recording bands with it, and now just starting to get into the recording software.
Re: DDX3216 or StudioLive 24.4.2

Well not exactly at the same time but close to it.
ie: one band would play a riff, then another band plays one, kind of like they're "talking smack to eachother" haha. and then the individual bands play right after another.

and after watching some youtube videos, I think I'm going to get one. Anyone want to buy a DDX that was used for about 10 hours total? New TDIF Card included. :lol: