Digital mixer I would buy:

Re: Digital mixer I would buy:

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the Yammy update.

Steve H,

Thanks for Soundcraft heads-up.
I have the ViSi app on my Ipad. When I tap on it, it fills the screen and then disappears. Does it have to find a Soundcraft mixer to actually be seen?

Steve K,

How many channels do you need for a gig? How many outputs?
I find the Mackie Ipad app pretty easy to use. You might want to try an 806 or 1608 somewhere on stage with a router, with an Ipad mounted on a stand near you for control.
Way smaller and lighter than a top-box mixer, and much more processing.
Pair with powered speakers as you note and away you go.
With the 24db/octave slope, I have found the HPF and LPF to be effective crossovers, when using subs-on-an-aux.

Have you seen the A&H Qu-Pac?

Thanks and good health, Weogo
Re: Digital mixer I would buy:

I have a Performer 2. (Look at the Performer 1, it's rack mountable)

You should be able to open ViSi, select a mixer and then view it.
Most things are there, but a couple things don't show unless you are connected to a mixer (channel gain for one)

ViSi is a mixed bag. It works well, but its limited.
You get faders, channel EQ, Dynamics, GEQ's, and it's much easier to name a channel on the iPad than on the Console.

You don't get:
- Tap Tempo (my number one complaint)
- any efx control
- mute groups

Other complaints:
- There is a huge area at the top where it says "Soundcraft by Harmon". Yamaha puts up a channel view up there that shows the board in groups of 8, has meters, and allows you to select a group of 8. press it, boom, you're there.
On the Soundcraft, you have to press a button called "meters" which brings up a screen resembling the yamaha screen. Only then, can you select which group.
It's one extra step --every..single..time..-- you want to choose a new group of 8 to work on. The lag drives me batty.

When I iPad mix, I currently use 2 iPads in order to have my efx returns available on one and my mix channels on the other

- Also ViSi doesn't currently have a way to lock out FOH on the 2nd device, so I can't allow people to mix their own IEM's
They have announced an app that does this, but it's currently vaporware. (It supposedly works on iPhone and Android)
(That capability (muso's running their own ears) is absolutely critical in my market)

If they release that new app for IEM's and add tap tempo to ViSi, I'll be able to mix my club bands with an iPad without returning to the board constantly.


The console itself, sounds wonderful and is super easy/intuitive to use. If it had an iPad app like the X32, no one would want to touch an X32 again. It's that easy. I can bring someone new up to the board and get them rolling in 1 minute. It's that easy.

The new imPact (24 faders) looks to be the way to go unless you need more than 32 channels or need small
Performer 1 can rack mount and all the Performers can do a bunch of channels.
Not sure why they haven't discontinued the Expression line. They need to.

I'd look into the Performer 1 if I were you, to compare if nothing else.

I've got a X32 Producer also (had to have something for IEM's while Soundcraft was getting it's s**t together)
The lack of scribble strips and X32's un-intuitive layout are downers, but it is a capable board once you learn it and the iPad app is great


Hi Scott,

Thanks for the Yammy update.

Steve H,

Thanks for Soundcraft heads-up.
I have the ViSi app on my Ipad. When I tap on it, it fills the screen and then disappears. Does it have to find a Soundcraft mixer to actually be seen?

Steve K,

How many channels do you need for a gig? How many outputs?
I find the Mackie Ipad app pretty easy to use. You might want to try an 806 or 1608 somewhere on stage with a router, with an Ipad mounted on a stand near you for control.
Way smaller and lighter than a top-box mixer, and much more processing.
Pair with powered speakers as you note and away you go.
With the 24db/octave slope, I have found the HPF and LPF to be effective crossovers, when using subs-on-an-aux.

Have you seen the A&H Qu-Pac?

Thanks and good health, Weogo
Re: Digital mixer I would buy:

Hi Weogo,

Yes, I've seen the Qu-Pac and similar B stuff. What I'd like to see is something that doesn't rely on a separate touch pad interface in a top box form factor. The touch pad interface is great for a secondary control, but I'd like to see something that any musician can pick a channel and tweak without a lot of careful touch screen dragging and pinching.

Typically (and this is more of a junior varsity than varsity thing but the thread is here and the stuff we're discussing is mostly JV level) most bar bands don't need more than the 8 channels of the typical top box. Vocals and maybe keys and a kick mic. Tons of buses aren't necessary either. Somewhere between 4 aux sends for multiple wedges and maybe 8 for 4 stereo IEM sends, along with a simple main LR out.

I've just found that when all your attention is on the interface, the power of a large tablet screen is awesome. But when fixing something on the fly tactically, it's slow and cumbersome.
Re: Digital mixer I would buy:


Hope you're doing well. Give me a shout and you can take my M32 for a ride sometime and I am kind of a whore when it comes to consoles as I use a lot of different desks depending on which company I am working for that week. I have used pretty much all the big boys extensively (Digico SD9, SD10, SD11), Midas Pro1, Pro2, Yamaha CL, QL, 5D, M7, LS9, 01v, Avid Profile, etc and would gladly give you my opinion of each.

Re: Digital mixer I would buy:

Hi Hal,

All is well up here in the hills.
Got a gig this Saturday night? Or the 27th? I'll be in the north part of your fair county.

Thanks for the info offer.

I ended up buying a Mackie DL32R.
It appears that Bob Puff's AMP program will work with it later this year, giving wired, laptop control of the mixer.
Will be interesting to see how it holds up.

Good health, Weogo
Re: Digital mixer I would buy:

They came up with a way to hook up a PC via Cat5??
Got a link for that info? Cool news.
That was the main reason I stopped looking at the DL32R

Hi Hal,

All is well up here in the hills.
Got a gig this Saturday night? Or the 27th? I'll be in the north part of your fair county.

Thanks for the info offer.

I ended up buying a Mackie DL32R.
It appears that Bob Puff's AMP program will work with it later this year, giving wired, laptop control of the mixer.
Will be interesting to see how it holds up.

Good health, Weogo