Re: DIY PA Idea

Ok so, I didnt really think some of this through and as it turns out I love Tims idea of the 3 way tri amp box.

I am thinking that maybe I can sell the P Audio Drivers and buy a nice set of 1inch mids (maybe B&C to go with the rest), use the Ps75's as the 15 in the top box and use the PS100,s as subs and work my way up to a bigger sub at some point.

Is this a more sensible idea?? Any pitfalls I am not thinking of. And yes the packing idea has gone out the window as well LOL!!!


That sounds like the most reasonable thing to do with what you have.

For packing, put casters on the back of your subs. Build everything with the plan to lay the subs down on their backs (with wheels) and then stack a top on the sub. You will have 2 stacks to roll in and out of the venue.

Alternatively, make a caster board for 2 subs, and another for 2 tops. Use ratchet straps to hold everything together.

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