Love this thread, lots of great talk. I have lots of time in both worlds and couldn't be happier. When I'm not out mixing on the road I get back behind the glass and have some fun making records. The problem I have with the studio vibe these days is that very few people, and I mean VERY FEW, have the patience to take the time to work things through and prefer to have me spend hours in front of a monitor editing their shoddy performances. I no longer do that.
DAWs have turned what started out as a mostly musical profession into an almost purely technical one. Yes Eric, I miss 2" tape BIG TIME. I miss the commitment, the sound, the musicality... even the smell. 
I'm glad I got into the biz when it was still done old school style with big, honkin' desks, cool old mics and musos who had to work at their craft to be good at it rather than rely on a computer whiz. The guys who mentored me will have my gratitude until my death.