I find myself subbing some of the same backline repeatedly so have been just shopping around on Reverb and Ebay for a Fender Reverb Twin as thats what seems to be requested. Mostly wedding bands. Im not hard up to get into backline or anything but more curious on the different models. I never really looked closely at the models I subbed out. There seems to be a bunch of different variations. Fender Twin, 65 reissue, Tonemaster, Deluxe, Custom.
Are these models interchangeable? The riders I get seem to just have Fender twin listed without any of the differentiating models mentioned.
There is seems to be a price range from 2k-800$ depending on the model. Just trying to get some knowledge on the subject.
Are these models interchangeable? The riders I get seem to just have Fender twin listed without any of the differentiating models mentioned.
There is seems to be a price range from 2k-800$ depending on the model. Just trying to get some knowledge on the subject.