FREE SUB PLAN: Dual Lab12 (Front Loaded) by Welter Systems

Re: FREE SUB PLAN: Dual Lab12 (Front Loaded) by Welter Systems

How much $$ went into each completed sub?

I reckon somewhere between $450-550, perhaps as high as $600 per box. I'm in Canada so I don't know what pricing is like on your side of the border but I would imagine it is a bit lower than here.

Cabs were built with 13-ply Baltic Birch which I had to special order. Grills, Handles and jacks were ordered from Penn Elcom, fasteners were from Fastenal. I used the cheapest rust paint I could find, but I'm considering buying a gallon of Duratex and putting a few coats on each cab.
Re: FREE SUB PLAN: Dual Lab12 (Front Loaded) by Welter Systems

Couple more pics, used a flat black spray can to blackout of the hardware, improves the aesthetics of the cab quite a bit I think (and we all know better looking cabs sound better too!). Currently fighting the urge to try out the Smither's Wedge project now, I've caught the fever! :lol:

Photo 2013-08-07 11 18 05 AM.jpg
Photo 2013-08-07 11 19 02 AM.jpg
Re: FREE SUB PLAN: Dual Lab12 (Front Loaded) by Welter Systems

Just curious what the calc system sensitivity spec is. Does it come out to just 3db greater then the spec of the individual Lab driver, as you are using two together?

(I am interested in the design, but need to be sure that that the sensitivity is relatively compat w/ my tops, which comes out to 97db 1w/1m)


you would be looking at 400 watts/driver or 800 continuous or 1600 program.

If you want to play the ''peak'' game then 3200 watts.

I would suggest an amp in the range of 100-1500 watts.

Now what the impedance is-That is another question. The drivers are rated for 6 ohms each. So it might be a 3 ohm cabinet.

But it would be good to have an actual impedance curve of the drivers int he cabinet to have a better idea of what real load is.[/QUOTE]
Re: FREE SUB PLAN: Dual Lab12 (Front Loaded) by Welter Systems

Just curious what the calc system sensitivity spec is. Does it come out to just 3db greater then the spec of the individual Lab driver, as you are using two together?

(I am interested in the design, but need to be sure that that the sensitivity is relatively compat w/ my tops, which comes out to 97db 1w/1m)

Sensitivity is around 93 one watt one meter, impedance is low so output may be similar to your top cabinet if it is 8 ohm.

The Bass Box Pro simulations below seem to agree well with the measurements I have done on the actual cabinets.
I have a pair available for sale if anyone is interested.


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Hello everybody ! Thanks for the accept !

I also want to offer my double LAB 12 plan with a 35hz tuning. The layout was designed for PRO applications with good extension and better loading on the speakers in the impedance peak given by the enclosure, therefore the port is flared at the ends and narrowed in the middle.

I have attached a link with the measurements I made at 1 m distance in axis with the port. I measured with an RTA SPL LAB PRO microphone.

Here is the clip with the measurements

I want to go to 4 subwoofers and I don't know if I will cover 500-600 people outdoors at live events, although the bass is VERY POWERFUL AND DEEP WITH GOOD EXTENSION, I AM VERY SATISFIED WITH THEIR PLAN AND THEIR UNIQUE SOUND, SO I PROPOSED TO MULTIPLY THEM.

Now I only have 2 pieces that were test made painted with normal cherry wood paint RAL 3004 Later I will make them from mdf painted in at least 5 layers of orange tuffcab RAL 2003 paint, accessorized with everything needed including the protective grid.FB_IMG_1670989704050.jpg


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Bună tuturor ! Multumesc pentru accept !

De asemenea, vreau să ofer planul meu dublu LAB 12 cu un reglaj de 35 Hz. Aspectul a fost conceput pentru aplicații PRO cu extinsă bună și încărcare mai bună pe difuzoare în vârful de impedanță dat de carcasă, prin urmare portul este evazat la capetă și îngustat la mijloc.

Am atasat un link cu masuratorile pe care le-am facut la 1 m distanta in axa cu portul. Am măsurat cu un microfon RTA SPL LAB PRO.

Iata clipul cu masuratorile

Vreau sa merg la 4 subwoofer-uri si nu stiu daca voi acoperi 500-600 de persoane in aer liber la evenimente live, desi basul este FOARTE PUTERN SI PROFUND CU EXTENSIUNE BUNA, SUNT FOARTE MULTUMESC DE PLANUL LOR SI SUNETUL LOR UNIC, Așa că am PROPUS SĂ LE MULTIM.

Acum am doar 2 piese care au fost realizate de testare vopsite cu vopsea normala lemn de cires RAL 3004 Ulterior le voi realiza din mdf vopsit in minim 5 straturi de vopsea portocalie tuffcab RAL 2003, accesorizate cu tot ce este necesar inclusiv grila de protectie.

Re: SUB PLAN GRATUIT: Dual Lab12 (încărcat frontal) de la Welter Systems

Chiar dacă capacul folosește o bucată rotunjită de 1/2" care arată ca o obstrucție destul de mare.
Montarea mânerului deasupra portului ar fi o plasare mai bună, dar știai deja asta.
Din fericire, plasarea găurilor nu este foarte dificilă ;

Very nice looking boxes. Maybe you can make a separate thread in the DIY category since this thread is mostly all about the Welter Systems build.
Mr. Ben, thank you very much for the appreciation, I can't believe that my work is appreciated, WOW!!!

And I say this because here in my country, many people from all groups on Facebook, even on the forum, told me that the plan of the subwoofer is nonsense and what I did as boxes are rubbish, THAT'S WHY I TOOK IT ANY ASSOCIATION WITH THESE INDIVIDUALS ON MY GROUPS AND FORUMS.

Once again, thank you for your appreciation!

With much respect, Ionescu!

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