Greetings to all my "employees"......

Re: Greetings to all my "employees"......

You're now all working for me.

I just banked my first Social Security check.

Back to work now, all of you.......

DR (grin)

It is good to know that I am at least getting something useful out of some of my tax dollars. Now get back to posting Dick so I can continue my education.
Re: Greetings to all my "employees"......

i feel that perhaps that education should include use of commas. unless you were actually suggesting the public sharing of, shall we say, 'compromising' pictures... :)
Which reminds me of dbMagazine in the 70's, they had great first hand experiences from studios.
In one the producer was in the control room, and sucking on a lollipop, one of the musos was named richard, the producer said "I need more Dick".
There was also the story of the novice band, new to the studio, a guitar track need some help, the engineer flipped the tape(ah, the good old days of tape tricks-flanging anyone), then added some pre-verb. The band was amazed, and decided they needed to do that live.
Re: Greetings to all my "employees"......

You're now all working for me.

I just banked my first Social Security check.

Back to work now, all of you.......

DR (grin)

Now you're confusing me. I though social security was just getting back money we paid into the fund over the years?

How could the government possibly pay out more money than it took in?

It's not like they could borrow that much money or just print more, forever?

With declining birth rates we could end up with less people paying in than taking out, so any Ponzi-like (Madoff-like?) finance scheme would surely collapse over time.

hmmm, those guys running government must be pretty smart, or pretty dumb.