While I don't post here often most of you guys know me from PSW. Many years ago Digitech had a great modeling preamp (2120) and a number of us used them in front of our amps. The purpose was not to emulate another amplifier or group of amplifiers, the purpose was to emulate any pedals or effects normally used in front of the amp. That would include TS-808 Tube Screamers, Ross compressors, chorus, Leslie, etc..
To that effect these modelers worked very well, but emulating a Deluxe Reverb, JTM45, etc. is not practical without the majority of the components those amps work with. No way can you really emulate a driven JTM45 without those four 12" Celestions any more than you can duplicate the dirty grind of a Deluxe and a single D120 whose 6V6s are just crying in pain. Or can you duplicate Claptons woman tone without an SG tone full off and a Marshall Blues Breaker.
You can, if you want to spend the money, get pretty close, however, the feel is just not the same, and the stage presence is gone. Looking at the list of "endorsing" players on the Fractal site leaves you with the impression these players have opted for the Fractal box and nothing more. I don't believe this to be the case, although I do believe that every one of those players has found a good use for the Fractal modeler in one form or another, and if they send me a free unit I'll find a use also. That being said the fractal sits at the top of all modelers at this point in time and is a consideration if that's a requirement. I'll continue to use my selection of Fender amplifiers with my favorite pedals, which can be by-passed, and enjoy tone as intended by Leo.
Another point to make is are modelers acceptable to the performer. Most times they are not. Fender Twin Reverbs seem to be 70% of what is acceptable today for the all around go to amp, but you'll never hear of a player saying no to a good Twin, Deluxe, Super, Marshall tube amp, or SVT. For transistorized amps only the JC 120 and LAB 5 come to mind. Modelers to me are nothing more than expensive effects units which can never be mistaken for the real deal.