Re: Is anyone's business affected by politics?
Yeah, aside from the 800,000 federal employees currently unemployed, and the vast majority of scientific research, NBD.
Sucks for them, I know a few. Plenty of small businesses around here are actually putting up now hiring signs.
Scientific research is a cool one, though. It's not my first thought, but it's true. Many things are monitored, tracked, and analyzed by the government including natural events such as weather and natural disasters. This is a great part of the government. At the same time, companies like Intel run fantastic R&D divisions, and there are new ideas coming out every day, regardless of how they are funded. It's a trade-off, as always.
Before I go off on a rant, I want to clarify what you are saying.
Are you saying, government must not do much, because they shut down and I can't tell the difference?
Or are you saying, it's not a real shut down, because about 80% of the government is still going on?
Kinda sorta both. What I'm saying is that, for the most part, it's not the end of the world. People still live life, people still argue, and babies are still born. Even though it is a big deal, it's blown out of proportion. The government shutting down for a bit doesn't kill everything, and we can survive for quite a while in it's reduced form, hopefully until the damned congress can figure out how to break the idea of REPUBLICANS VS. DEMOCRATS and realize that they are all one big team that has to work towards the same goals for success, regardless of "label" or "affiliation."
I'm also not saying that the government doesn't do much- they do a hell of a lot (personal view: a bit more than they should, but hey- the've got some cool toys!). It's just that not everything relies on the government, and it would be absolutely terrifying if everything did, considering the issues with most governments. People still farm food, shipping deliveries (not mail) still get delivered, computers still crash and get replaced with shiny new models, and we still have several gigs a week that usually make money for everyone (regardless of how little).
I have a theory that the real issue comes down to whether or not people will be happy without the government in certain areas. The sad part is that, regardless of whether or not the government is part of it, people are still people. We all are born uncivilized with nothing, and we all die when our time comes, and there are just as many challenges in between- though granted they are at varying frames of reference. People will still argue, people will still want their way, people will still fight about morality, people will still try and blame people, and people will just be horrifyingly selfish... for the most part.
I know that seems off topic, but here's why it makes a difference: regardless of what happens, someone is going to have a beef with someone. The best case scenario is that the politicians in office get it through their heads that they might as well be viewed as the public decides, do a good job, work with other people, and make a positive impact rather than try and look the best, save the most face, do nothing, and end up hated just as much anyway. They need to do their jobs, and do them well, or they should be fired (better known as not re-elected).
Quick note about healthcare...... GET THE HELL OVER IT! It is one of MANY programs that need to be worked out and refined. I love the idea of healthcare. It's a great idea. The question is whether or not we can make it work. In it's current state, I don't believe it does. But hey- I'm nowhere near an expert. This is all just postulation by someone who hates to hear nothing but negatives on the news. I mean, since when does NOTHING good happen. For example, I leave pennies heads up on the ground if I drop them, as well as any other coin I drop. A friend of mine just got a new job and is quite happy. The SSL live board is impressive. One school is being renovated and looks quite nice. I mean seriously. There's GOT to be something good out there.