Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

I don't mind people knowing how I feel and I "tell it like it is" I don't like to "sugar coat" anything. Sometimes the truth hurts.

I've been right about things about which I was unsure. I've been wrong about other things when I was sure I was right. Not all truths are absolute. They are sometimes subjective, or not applicable directly to a given example. Truths can hurt the same whether they are "right" or "wrong" truths. And then there's Internet truths.

For my part, as a lifetime average so far, I feel I've hit a good average that I think reflects on me favorably. But I'm not finished yet...
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Or maybe people should just stop acting so offended by others who simply disagree with them or question them that they resort to name-calling and baseless accusations. I know, I'm dreaming.

I agree completely. This is so true about local musicians. There are so many bands in clubs that 20 years ago would never have gotten out of the basement...partially because no one is willing to tell them they are not good enough. I say, bring back the Hook!
Everyone takes any professional comments as personally attacks.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

I agree completely. This is so true about local musicians. There are so many bands in clubs that 20 years ago would never have gotten out of the basement...partially because no one is willing to tell them they are not good enough. I say, bring back the Hook!
Everyone takes any professional comments as personally attacks.
I think clubs should have a Gong (like in the gong show) installed-so that they could be told when to stop.

It is truly amazing how bad some "bands" are.

One of the worse was a gig I did many years ago. I was sound checking the drums for the first band. We had to skip the kick (because the drummer left his pedal at home). So I told him "give me the snare". He said -AND I AM NOT KIDDING!!!!!- "Which one is that?". YEAH-you can imagine how well he could "play".

I seriously think the guys in the "group" got together that morning and decided to play that night. They elected who would play what instrument-took mommas money and went to a music store and bought some instruments.

Yeah it was THAT bad. I had all kinds of people coming up to me wondering why it sounded so bad-DUH! At least it got better when we got to bands that had at least had 2 practices---------------------------

Did I mention how much fun it is to coil up cables that have been soaking cow blood all night? Yeah somebody brought some "cow parts" to the gig and they got thrown around and trampled and all over the cables.

Those were the days---------------------------------------------
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Did I mention how much fun it is to coil up cables that have been soaking cow blood all night? Yeah somebody brought some "cow parts" to the gig and they got thrown around and trampled and all over the cables.

Back when I worked for Rat Sound in their earlier days, we did sound for a punk show in LA. One of the bands (Doggy Style) had a song called "Do the Donut". They brought out 40 gallon trash cans filled with , yes you guessed it, donuts. They proceeded to toss them into the mosh pit. Much of that ended up back on stage. But then they decided the crowd must be thirsty so they came out with water filled fire extinguishers and proceeded to water down the crowd. I think we spent the next day or 2 cleaning and drying cables. Not as bad as your cow blood though but messy in any case. I still have human blood on my monitors though from years ago doing a gig with live wrestling. Apparently these guys tape small razor blades to the their hands to they can cut themselves to get the blood flowing for more realism. I'm not too down with exposure to blood products.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Yeah-and there are times to "tell it like it is".

Where is Paul Klisphs "bull shit" button these days? OH yeah-I did get one from Bill Whitlock at Infocomm last year-but without the words-just the symbol kinda. So even that has been neutered.


Here, with my compliments...


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Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Geez, all I freakin wanted to know was there is a rig out there touring, has anyone heard it, NO I'm not going to send mine back, why are some of you just rude, if you got nothing to say that is helpful maybe don't post...

Changing the subject … I have not heard any of the outline stuff, but the reports I have heard have been good. Brit Row is usually on the ball.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

I wasn't trying to be rude.

Just an odd "sequence of events" for such a large purchase.

Or maybe to put it another way-why DID you purchase it? Obviously you had no reviews. Did you get a chance to hear it in a way to make a decision?

Or maybe something we don't know about.

Come on Ivan. Randy is waiting for his new speakers like a kid waiting fro X-mas and just wants to have a chat :).

Just like someone like Justice did when waiting for the new Yamaha CL5 desk he was waiting for.

A lot of people use these forums as a social pastime, not just as a source of research for work, and I'm all for it.

To Randy:

One of the companies I sometimes have dealings with are a mayor Outline player here in Norway. Oddly, I haven't had much opportunity to check out their various speakers.

What I can say is that they always have really cool new ideas, like the HI/MID-box riding inside the subwoofer (Kangoo system?). They also have a small active line array speaker out with variable "vanes" to change horisontal dispersion. Very cool.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Back when I worked for Rat Sound in their earlier days, we did sound for a punk show in LA. One of the bands (Doggy Style) had a song called "Do the Donut". They brought out 40 gallon trash cans filled with , yes you guessed it, donuts. They proceeded to toss them into the mosh pit. Much of that ended up back on stage. But then they decided the crowd must be thirsty so they came out with water filled fire extinguishers and proceeded to water down the crowd. I think we spent the next day or 2 cleaning and drying cables. Not as bad as your cow blood though but messy in any case. I still have human blood on my monitors though from years ago doing a gig with live wrestling. Apparently these guys tape small razor blades to the their hands to they can cut themselves to get the blood flowing for more realism. I'm not too down with exposure to blood products.
The worst cable cleaning I had to do was a show where somebody brought in a homemade fogger-that used BABY OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That got on EVERYTHING!!. Just packing it up was a total pain-and load out was downright dangerous. It took days to get the oil off of everything.

I would love to wring that kids neck.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Hi Randy,
I believe you have contracted a rare and potentially fatal variant of GAS called E-GAS (Expensive Gear Acquisition Syndrome). I scratch my head sometimes wondering how you do it. I wish you well, but common sense dictates that if you are having to search hard for opinions on GTO, it's not a terribly in-demand box in this part of the world..... that doesn't make me overly optimistic that a GTO rig is going to be more profitable long term than your Meyer rig.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

was thinking randy gone dys like clair/welter/harford with his tour sub ,tour trap, next step would be wedge/fill or line

i got to help set up the gto rig when pretty lights came threw last summer
FOH online | Pretty Lights Tours with Outline GTO, McCauley Sound Subs and Powersoft K Series
whent up faster/easyer then most
its a newer box so not as messy as most of the frist gen linez
i heard 16 tops 12 subs +4 m421 total
i was mid venue (5kcap outdoors) during his most popular song
with the bass drops, every one in front of me was itchin there ears
its was one of the most powerfull rigs i heard last year
maby it was the macauley makin the gto shine

i would think cross rent/demo will be a common issue with most of the botuique rigz in the states(gto,mla,flashline,stm)
no matter wich one u end up with least ur in the large format game
congrats on the new rig randy ...may it buy u another
(if u did get it)
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

was thinking randy gone dys like clair/welter/harford with his tour sub ,tour trap, next step would be wedge/fill or line

i got to help set up the gto rig when pretty lights came threw last summer
foh online | pretty lights tours with outline gto, mccauley sound subs and powersoft k series
whent up faster/easyer then most
its a newer box so not as messy as most of the frist gen linez
i heard 16 tops 12 subs +4 m421 total
i was mid venue (5kcap outdoors) during his most popular song
with the bass drops, every one in front of me was itchin there ears
its was one of the most powerfull rigs i heard last year
maby it was the macauley makin the gto shine

i would think cross rent/demo will be a common issue with most of the botuique rigz in the states(gto,mla,flashline,stm)
no matter wich one u end up with least ur in the large format game
congrats on the new rig randy ...may it buy u another
(if u did get it)

Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

The worst cable cleaning I had to do was a show where somebody brought in a homemade fogger-that used BABY OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That got on EVERYTHING!!. Just packing it up was a total pain-and load out was downright dangerous. It took days to get the oil off of everything.

I would love to wring that kids neck.

Baby oil is actually extremely dangerous when inhaled in small quantities. I don't know if an aerosolized version is dangerous but babies have been gravely injured or killed when accidentally inhaling a gulp of it as it coats the lungs and prevents oxygen diffusion into the blood stream.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

I agree completely. This is so true about local musicians. There are so many bands in clubs that 20 years ago would never have gotten out of the basement...partially because no one is willing to tell them they are not good enough. I say, bring back the Hook!
Everyone takes any professional comments as personally attacks.

It is not just "local musicians" a lot of them actually get enough backing from somewhere to be put on the bottom of the bill on large festivals or "showcases".

This is a personal favorite from an article that listed the "best and worst of SXSW in 2012"

Worst:*Increasingly slow, complex band setups
Whenever I wander away from metal, punk, or hardcore shows at festivals, I'm amazed at how long it takes bands to set up. I'm guessing this is because, these days, artists are often big enough for festivals before they've ever actually gone on a real tour and learned how to speed this shit up and/or trim the fat.
Re: Outline GTO - Any Experience?

Worst:*Increasingly slow, complex band setups
Whenever I wander away from metal, punk, or hardcore shows at festivals, I'm amazed at how long it takes bands to set up. I'm guessing this is because, these days, artists are often big enough for festivals before they've ever actually gone on a real tour and learned how to speed this shit up and/or trim the fat.

I just participated in a local seminar here for new/young bands trying to learn about gigging, recording, promotion, etc. I really beat them up about exactly this issue - fast setup times, fast break down, not noodling around on stage with their instruments. Basically, how to make a good impression on the venue, promoters, sound guys, and the crowd. Nothing pisses me off more than a newbie drummer that doesn't set their kit up when they arrive at the venue so it's ready to go up on stage fast. Same when they decided to break the kit down on stage instead of picking up the assembled kit and moving it well offstage. I told them to get their guitars tuned up before they hit the stage. Don't riff, stay quiet until the downbeat of the first song. Don't dilly dally between tunes. Make fast transitions, keep people interested. And when the last tune is done, get the fuck off stage fast along with the gear. If you started late, end your set early. Do everything you can to keep the show on time and make a good impression on everyone. You'll be invited back and people will eager to work with you in the future.