Oversized box 524 Liters!

Re: Oversized box 524 Liters!

This project raised from DYI audio soundbox calculator by mistyping some of the speaker's spechs, which resulted in this! Haha.

I hope you guys have an idea for the port?
An idea for the port would be one that is correct for the driver-the cabinet-the intended usage-which compromises you are willing to accept and what those that you don't.

Until we know (and understand) the limitations-then there is no real way to offer suggestions.
Re: Oversized box 524 Liters!

An idea for the port would be one that is correct for the driver-the cabinet-the intended usage-which compromises you are willing to accept and what those that you don't.

Until we know (and understand) the limitations-then there is no real way to offer suggestions.

An idea would be to come up with a way to measure the impedance of the driver when mounted in your enclosure. This would be the first step to making the system workable.
Re: Oversized box 524 Liters!

An idea would be to come up with a way to measure the impedance of the driver when mounted in your enclosure. This would be the first step to making the system workable.
I didn't know impedance changes according to box characteristics! Anyway, with a household multimeter, one is probably unable to figure out the speakers impedance as it might well measure both the driver and amplifier at the same time.
The candidate subwoofer is actually a Digital Design dual coil 1500W rms subwoofer, on the intent to be smooth and loud, or punching with short pulses, for which reason the amplifier, in both cases, is going to be a little overpowered for this sub (1800w amp).
As there are relatively a few musics I can hear with continuous bass percussion, the "short and pungent" type of design would fit best preferred here (I think).
We should want something similar to what I've got when I turned my 160w sub toward a corner of a wall and I thought the roof was going to be ripped apart!
For this reason we may even think about adding extra boards on the box, turning the speaker backwards, removing/ improving stuffings, etc.
Re: Oversized box 524 Liters!

I didn't know impedance changes according to box characteristics! Anyway, with a household multimeter, one is probably unable to figure out the speakers impedance as it might well measure both the driver and amplifier at the same time.
The candidate subwoofer is actually a Digital Design dual coil 1500W rms subwoofer, on the intent to be smooth and loud, or punching with short pulses, for which reason the amplifier, in both cases, is going to be a little overpowered for this sub (1800w amp).
As there are relatively a few musics I can hear with continuous bass percussion, the "short and pungent" type of design would fit best preferred here (I think).
We should want something similar to what I've got when I turned my 160w sub toward a corner of a wall and I thought the roof was going to be ripped apart!
For this reason we may even think about adding extra boards on the box, turning the speaker backwards, removing/ improving stuffings, etc.
A regular mulitmeter is NOT going to be able to measure the IMPEDANCE of a loudspeaker-ONLY the DC resistance. THe DC resistance will not change-no matter what box you put it in-but the impedance will. Impedance HAS to have a frequence with it-or it is pretty much a meaningless number.

If the box is already to large-then mounting the speaker in it backwards will only make the effective volume LARGER (due to the increased area not taken up by the loudspeaker driver.

Adding bracing (in the right place) is a VERY GOOD idea. If the sides are vibrating-then they are absorbing the energy that should be going out into the room.
Although by the looks of things-it would be A LOT easier to simply scrap the box and start over-using a real design approach-not just building a large box and cutting some holes in it -which basically it is now.
Re: Oversized box 524 Liters!

Yesterday a kenwood's soundsystem box that was hanging at home was dismantled for its speakers (tweeters, subwoofer and a woofer) because the the left (or right maybe?) amp's channel had faded out due to too large input signal (dude it really handled all the signal because it was too ridiculous loud, in the proper way over equalizations acts to eliminate distortions) and damn, nice engineering there!
Besides, I ain't gonna start over!
I think I need first get that sub then post the complications to come!
See ye!
Thank you!
Re: Oversized box 524 Liters!

Yesterday a kenwood's soundsystem box that was hanging at home was dismantled for its speakers (tweeters, subwoofer and a woofer) because the the left (or right maybe?) amp's channel had faded out due to too large input signal (dude it really handled all the signal because it was too ridiculous loud, in the proper way over equalizations acts to eliminate distortions) and damn, nice engineering there!

Thank you!
SAY WHAT?????????????? I have NO idea what you are saying here.

You REALLY need to spend some time trying to make SOME kind of sense----------------

Or am I the only one who can't make sense of this?

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