I picked up four of EAW's vintage KF650es a few days ago and figured I'd better get about building DSP settings for my Itech HDs. Since EAW doesn't offer settings for anything other than their DSPs, and I didn't have any of EAW's processors around to measure, and I wasn't about to build settings from scratch, I posted in the Marketplace looking for DSPs to borrow and measure.
Fortunately, I didn't have to get an MX8750 to measure because Langston linked me to where EAW has the Smaart traces of the the MX8700/MX8750 online (thank you!).
This made matters quite easy - I simply had to measure the transfer function of the Itech HD and compare it to the traces EAW provided.
My test setup was as follows:
Pink noise originating from Smaart played through an ART USB DualPre USB audio interface, left channel out into analog input on the HD. Left channel link thru on the amp was then connected to the XLR input of a Radial Pro AV1 direct box, which was then connected via XLR to the DualPre's right channel input as my reference. The direct box was required here for two reasons: one, to pad down the reference signal since the interface does not have line inputs or pads, and also to put a transformer in line for both the reference and measured inputs, keeping the loopback transfer function flat.
For the measured input, I first connected the actual KF650e to the amp outputs (as a real-world load, since class I/D amplifiers have a low-pass filter on the output which uses the connected load as part of the circuit. Translation: the amplifier's transfer function changes depending on what's connected.) I also made a banana to 1/4" adapter and plugged that into whichever channel I was measuring at the time. The 1/4" end plugged into a Radial ProDI with the 15dB pad engaged (and was measured separately to ensure ProDI and ProAV1 had same transfer function, which they do. The ProDI doesn't connect the 1/4" ring to anything and I didn't want to leave anything floating, hence the use of the AV1 on the reference channel). The ProDI was then plugged into the left channel of the DualPre.
Before doing any measurements, I punched EAW's stock crossover and PEQ settings into the amp. First, I measured the MF/HF passband (I'm only running these in biamped mode). Smaart reported - amazingly - that the stock settings were pretty much interpreted perfectly by the HD processing. This never happens. The only slight difference was in the top end, which was slightly lower than EAW's transfer settings mainly due to the amp's own HF rolloff due to the class I design. A slight .6dB increase of one PEQ and the addition of another PEQ at 11.25k with a .7dB boost made it match about perfectly.
The LF was equally amazing - both PEQs and crossover filters matched perfectly. Absolutely no change required.
To finish up my custom HD presets, I adjusted the bandpass gains to provide a good gain structure through the amp, and calculated out limiters using the standard formula.
So, for a couple hours work, I now have excellent IIR presets for my KF650s!
Pictures: test setup and the transfer functions. Loopback test is the lowest, mostly flat setting. That is the HD amp with all DSP off and the speaker connected offering an 8 ohm nominal load. The highest traces are EAW's traces, and the two lower ones are my traces, lowered by 2dB so you can see the difference (or lack thereof).

Next: making these presets into flat-phase presets using all-pass filters, at least the best that I can.
Eventually: translating the Gunness-focused greybox settings to the HD platform.
Fortunately, I didn't have to get an MX8750 to measure because Langston linked me to where EAW has the Smaart traces of the the MX8700/MX8750 online (thank you!).
This made matters quite easy - I simply had to measure the transfer function of the Itech HD and compare it to the traces EAW provided.
My test setup was as follows:
Pink noise originating from Smaart played through an ART USB DualPre USB audio interface, left channel out into analog input on the HD. Left channel link thru on the amp was then connected to the XLR input of a Radial Pro AV1 direct box, which was then connected via XLR to the DualPre's right channel input as my reference. The direct box was required here for two reasons: one, to pad down the reference signal since the interface does not have line inputs or pads, and also to put a transformer in line for both the reference and measured inputs, keeping the loopback transfer function flat.
For the measured input, I first connected the actual KF650e to the amp outputs (as a real-world load, since class I/D amplifiers have a low-pass filter on the output which uses the connected load as part of the circuit. Translation: the amplifier's transfer function changes depending on what's connected.) I also made a banana to 1/4" adapter and plugged that into whichever channel I was measuring at the time. The 1/4" end plugged into a Radial ProDI with the 15dB pad engaged (and was measured separately to ensure ProDI and ProAV1 had same transfer function, which they do. The ProDI doesn't connect the 1/4" ring to anything and I didn't want to leave anything floating, hence the use of the AV1 on the reference channel). The ProDI was then plugged into the left channel of the DualPre.
Before doing any measurements, I punched EAW's stock crossover and PEQ settings into the amp. First, I measured the MF/HF passband (I'm only running these in biamped mode). Smaart reported - amazingly - that the stock settings were pretty much interpreted perfectly by the HD processing. This never happens. The only slight difference was in the top end, which was slightly lower than EAW's transfer settings mainly due to the amp's own HF rolloff due to the class I design. A slight .6dB increase of one PEQ and the addition of another PEQ at 11.25k with a .7dB boost made it match about perfectly.
The LF was equally amazing - both PEQs and crossover filters matched perfectly. Absolutely no change required.
To finish up my custom HD presets, I adjusted the bandpass gains to provide a good gain structure through the amp, and calculated out limiters using the standard formula.
So, for a couple hours work, I now have excellent IIR presets for my KF650s!
Pictures: test setup and the transfer functions. Loopback test is the lowest, mostly flat setting. That is the HD amp with all DSP off and the speaker connected offering an 8 ohm nominal load. The highest traces are EAW's traces, and the two lower ones are my traces, lowered by 2dB so you can see the difference (or lack thereof).

Next: making these presets into flat-phase presets using all-pass filters, at least the best that I can.
Eventually: translating the Gunness-focused greybox settings to the HD platform.
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