We can discuss the topic of competition between the two principles of sound amplification: so-called synergy horns and line arrays, who will win as a result. Who can say what?
Yes, we know Tom does great things and puts out some impressive products. Each has their own pro's & con's and when buying any speakers, you need to know your market. If you going after Touring Bands, Danley is on the very bottom of the acceptability lists. But I know many regional operators who are using Danley at community/regional festivals with success.I agree that we may have different tastes, but probably the main purpose of the sound system is to deliver the sound signal to the audience as accurately and efficiently as possible. From this point of view synergy horn systems are preferable, in my opinion.
Recently on Prosound Web there was an article https://www.prosoundweb.com/tech-to...vzHoFH_COcz4HOIHzANvCycsfpZJZ6gTTgZn08C0cDXdo with discussion in Danly Sound Labs Users Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1305077852863150 where Tom Danly gave a detailed commentary. It is impossible not to agree with Tom.