Re: Top Ways To Annoy A Sound Engineer
One thing that grinds my axe: "We'll have the stage set the day before." And the stage isn't set at 6:00am the day of... 6:00am being when I said I'd arrive. And the stage still isn't set at 10:00am, or noon (sound checks were scheduled for 10:00am gates open at noon, first band goes on at 1:00pm). Stage arrives at 12:30 and is pretty much set by 1:00pm... and I have 2 - 3 hours of set-up to do.
Another thing: Nobody from the committee remembered or thought to let me know they moved the location of the venue..."But it was announced on the local radio station."
Another thing: Nobody remembered or thought to make sure to turn off the automatic sprinkler system in the park for the evening of the concert in the park... even though I repeated asked about this detail and was repeated reassured the automatic sprinkler system would be off.
Another thing: Stuff on riders that absolutely must be supplied, but doesn't get used. I understand "I'm getting paid to bring it", and I understand specifying a 40+ channel board even though the band only has 16 inputs... but the "out of left field stuff" that involves hundreds of miles of driving to source and doesn't get used... eh... something's just wrong with that.
Another thing: "Borrowing gaff (duct orduck) tape." "have" I believe is the correct word to describe... "I'll bring back what I don't use-up" would also be appropriate wording.
Another thing: Vehicles illegally parked and blocking access... and the "oh, they'll be right back".
Another thing: Vendors, RV's owners, etc... that figure it's ok to just "plug into your distro"... or worse: The ones who unplug some of your stuff from your distro, so they can plug their stuff in. Or worse: The ones that really cop an attitude when you unceremoniously unplug their stuff from your distro,and retrieve your extension cords that they appropriated.
Another thing: Being assured a canopy (stagecover) will be provided, and it isn't.
Another thing: Stapling posters to my FOH cabinets.
One of the worst things: Raiding my fairly well stashed Dr. Pepper cooler, and taking all of them. Geeze... couldn't they have had the decency to at least leave one?