Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

I've seen various approaches, although you likely need to have the company name and DOT number on the truck. Mostly, it depends on your markets, and how much the truck is going to be sitting parked full of gear.

One creative approach I've seen is a large QR code on the side of the truck.
A designer friend of mine posted this to his FB profile a while ago...


Unless you're in the habit of leaving gear in your truck, I don't see a problem with a wrap. Assuming someone can look into it and clearly see that it's empty. Certainly won't hurt business.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

I'm also part of the "neat and discreet" crowd. Having "ZYX Productions - Sound Lights Video Karaoke" on the side just screams "RIP ME OFF".

Our shop building doesn't have any signage other than the street address, either.

ps. Security is partly deception and a former forum participant suggested vehicle signage like "Sid's Sewer Service".

A friend of mine put "Johns diaper service-we clean your stinkies" on the side.

DO NOT advertise that there is stuff inside that could find its way to the pawn shop or sell to musicians-------------------
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

I would make the truck as cool a color as you want but without any signage.

it is just asking for trouble.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?


A friend of mine put "Johns diaper service-we clean your stinkies" on the side.

DO NOT advertise that there is stuff inside that could find its way to the pawn shop or sell to musicians-------------------

Well the companies abbreviations are G.A.S. , maybe I can come up with something creative and discouraging for that. :lol:
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?


Thanks for all your comments, I think i'm gonna stay with a conservative color motif and as little lettering on the outside as legally necessary for the obvious reasons. Your comments are much appreciated. Although one of my buddies was suggesting this to go with the current color scheme.

Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

I wanted to use Mr. Hanky's Septic Service, but I didn't think the neighbors would appreciate a smiling, waving turd.

It's bad enough that you must put the company name and city on for the DOT, don't make it any more obvious than is necessary.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

Better than having it stolen and when the police ask for a description all you can say is "Ummm, it's white." That's a great way to guarantee you'll never get it back.

Right, police just can't wait to go out and track it down for you, they got nothing better to do. And thieves would never think to re-paint a truck with signage on it!

Sorry for being so cynical, but I'm not very optimistic about the return rate of stolen gear.
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Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

Right, police just can't wait to go out and track it down for you, they got nothing better to do. And thieves would never think to re-paint a truck with signage on it!

Sorry for being so cynical, but I'm not very optimistic about the return rate of stolen gear.

My point is that the police are unlikely to track it down. They do, however, like to get credit for the recovery of $100k+ in stolen items if they happen to see them rolling down the street a block away. They can't do that if all they have is a license plate and VIN because they don't have the time to chase after every unlabeled truck/trailer they see.

Thieves are lazy and/or paranoid. That's the key. They want loot that is easy to steal, easy to hide, and easy to sell. A boldly labeled easily-identifiable vehicle is none of those.

I'm not that optimistic about getting stolen gear back either, but I'm going to do everything I can to make it easier for the police to find it just in case.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

My point is that the police are unlikely to track it down. They do, however, like to get credit for the recovery of $100k+ in stolen items if they happen to see them rolling down the street a block away. They can't do that if all they have is a license plate and VIN because they don't have the time to chase after every unlabeled truck/trailer they see.

Thieves are lazy and/or paranoid. That's the key. They want loot that is easy to steal, easy to hide, and easy to sell. A boldly labeled easily-identifiable vehicle is none of those.

I'm not that optimistic about getting stolen gear back either, but I'm going to do everything I can to make it easier for the police to find it just in case.

You don't have to put a company logo on it. Maybe paint some colored stripes on it. Making it easy to identify doesn't mean that you have to label it with words. Perhaps just the geko… or a big magenta stripe.

I know that Nomad around here has all of their vehicles labeled in white on black.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

I do have to wonder how the country clubs and luxury hotels feel about a BioWaste truck parked at their loading dock.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

Is it really going to bring you business in the same way a good website, social media site or yellow book ad would do? We are the only ones that notice what's on the side of the truck unless you cut someone off in traffic.

If you must paint it, paint like a big road case with a "No Drinks" sign on it.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

Has anyone here ever gotten a gig, that they know of, because of signage on their truck?

No, but I usually end up figuring out who's working on a gig by the markings on the road cases if they are out in the open. Mainly because I don't usually want to interrupt the FoH tech.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

You have to put something on in order to unquestionably get a full business deduction in case of an audit - according to my CPA anyway. If you guys are hearing something different that would be an interesting discussion as well. Personally I'd go for something not too garish. I don't think big bold signage on a truck or van works as advertising, and it does call attention to the rig.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

You have to put something on in order to unquestionably get a full business deduction in case of an audit - according to my CPA anyway. If you guys are hearing something different that would be an interesting discussion as well. Personally I'd go for something not too garish. I don't think big bold signage on a truck or van works as advertising, and it does call attention to the rig.

Anyone running a truck (over 10,000lb gcw) for a business has to have a DOT number, and DOT regulations require at least the business name and DOT number on both sides in a font at least 2" tall (to be read from 50'). If you aren't doing this, you will be in big trouble when you get to a weigh station.
Re: Truck Graphics~To do or not to do?

Is it really going to bring you business in the same way a good website, social media site or yellow book ad would do? We are the only ones that notice what's on the side of the truck unless you cut someone off in traffic.

If you must paint it, paint like a big road case with a "No Drinks" sign on it.

Brand recognition goes a long way. If you were going against competition that used a white no name truck, and your truck was beautifully decorated, new customers would likely select your name from the yellow pages ad (if anyone still uses that..) simply because the name is recognized.

You need to determine if the area that you're in has a higher risk of theft out of the truck because of the advertisements vs the benefit of the added exposure. If you're part of a national touring act, advertising what you're hauling isn't going to get you added business. However, if you're a local company where you could potentially gain new exposure, then there is some solid benefit.